Throwback Thursday: Are Board Games Overproduced?

The titular question of this post has recently come back up in discussions on the Unpossible Journeys Discord. It’s no secret that I like a big, sprawling game, but I also feel that this starting to go a bit far.

Now, I’m not one to point fingers… but…

Yeah, if I were to try to apportion blame, I’d need to point in two different directions. First, ridiculously over-produced Kickstarter campaigns from companies like Cool Mini Or Not and Steamforged Games. That second finger would point at people willing to buy box after box after box after box of cheap miniatures. Here’s an example of an all-in pledge for Steamforged Games’ Dark Souls board game:

I know that I’m really not in a position to tell anyone to buy fewer miniatures (clearly), but for a board game that is ridiculous. But, you know what? Companies wouldn’t do this if people didn’t just eat it up. It seems to be common wisdom that to have a big, successful Kickstarter, you need to cram your box full of as much plastic as possible. Overproduction also helps to justify the skyrocketing price of the hobby.

I really do think that since originally publishing this post in 2018, the issue has only become worse. You can click below to visit the original post:


  1. Having just received my latest Zombicide kickstarter, yeah I agree. easily a third of what I received will go on eBay. Having said that, for what I’ll keep, I think I paid a fair price and any sales from eBay will just be bonus.


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