My First 3D Prints

Never let it be said that I don’t follow the advice posted on this blog. Alongside Adam’s recent spate of posts on 3D printing, I’ve been trying my hand at doing some prints, myself. After a lot of calibration (and some help from Adam and from Ty and others on the TablefFlip Foundry Discord) I was able to produce some pretty decent prints.

I started with some prints from Cyberfoge, with a few to maybe trying out Reality’s Edge at some point this year:

The pictures are pretty bad, as they’re not on bases yet and I was in something of a hurry, but they’re no bad, likes! They turned out well. The thin swords turned out especially well. I painted 7 miniatures in total in this first batch, only one of which had any real issues:

Note the flattening on the underside of that arm. Yeah, a wee bit of a mess there, but I’m delighted with the rest of the minis. I think they turned out very well.

Of course, I now need to actually paint them, or all I’ve done is add to the big ol’ pile of grey, innit?


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