Completed: Goblin King (Avatars of War)

All hail the Goblin king!

In my continuing efforts to paint up a third wave of Gloomspite Gitz, I’ve finished up this model that has been sitting unpainted for many years. The miniature is not a Games Workshop one, but instead comes from Avatars of War. He reminded me a bit of the classic goblin character, Grom the Paunch, which is why I picked him up.

The model itself is actually discontinued now. At least, I think it is, based on a cursory search of the Avatars of War website. What I did find was a link to their MyMiniFactory page. Avatars of War seems to have shifted a lot of their focus over to 3D-printable miniatures. They appear to have digitally resculpted this miniature and are selling it as an STL:

The fur cape on the 3D printable version looks a lot better than the one on the metal mini I painted. It looks like part of the mini, rather than just something tacked on and sticking out from his back.

Next up, these guys:


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