Kickstarter-Watch: Benzin, Wasteland Grand Prix

I previously shared a Kickstarter campaign for a set of cars and accessories for post-apocalyptic car games like Gaslands and Car Wars. Benzin is another such campaign, but with more of a focus on the scenery. They actually spell out this focus early in the campaign, pointing out that whilst customising your cards is important, “tracks/tables where you play those kind of games on also deserve a lot of love.”

I strongly agree.

The most exciting bits of this project come in the form of terrain pieces. That doesn’t mean there are no cars, though. There are a fair number of these, ready to be printed off. Here are a few examples:

They’re pretty straightforward, but I suppose these are the starting points. You’ll add to them, build on them with weapons and accessories to really make them unique and interesting. And fast, obviously. Oh, and deadly. Deadly is cool. There are guns and stuff included, some of which are via stretch goals which seem to have already been met.

The meat of this campaign comes in the scenery. There’s a ton of pieces, ranging from scatter items, to buildings, to roads and barriers. There’s a lot of content here, and it’s all pretty modular and flexible, letting you really customise your post-apocalyptic wasteland racecourse. Here are some of my favourite items:

Now, when first seeing this campaign, and knowing the scale that we’re talking about to play Gaslands, and having experience with both FDM and resin printers, I was expecting this campaign to be working on the assumption of the end user printing these in resin. Not so. Resin printing would be find, of course, but these are intended for and tested with FDM printers. These are meant to be printed in FDM and, with only some minor exceptions, they should not even require supports. That’s a biggie. This means less wasted material, and less fiddly post-printing cleanup. I don’t think the campaign needed this feature, but it’s definitely welcome and user-friendly.

What of value, then? Well, there are a few tiers. We’ve had a few simple Kickstarters recently, but we’re back to multi-tiered offerings. I mean, that’s fine. This isn’t needlessly complex. The all-in pledge is €39. That seems pretty reasonable. There’s a cheaper offer with just the starter set if you want, but for the difference in price, I’d just upgrade. I’d actually upgrade even further and pay €49 for the all-in pledge plus the content of this creator’s previous Kickstarter, which was also for Gaslands-scale terrain. This gives you a ton more content for just €10. That’s a steal, right there. Delivery of the files will also take place this month, making it all pretty timely. Good deal, I reckon.

You can click here to visit the project page on Kickstarter.

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