My Club’s Stall at the 2023 Caithness Model Show

A couple of chaps from my local gaming club, The Northern Knights, have set up a stall at the Caithness Model Show. This is an event held every year in Wick. I’ll pop by at some point over the weekend to vote in the painting contest, but the guys have shared some pictures of the setup, and I was excited to share it, in turn, with you.

First up, we have the bestest game we play at club, Age of Sigmar:

Most of the painting for the displays, except for the painting contest entries and one of my armies featured in the 40K section, was done by two of our members, who are also the guys manning the stall. You can find them both on Instagram as Adrificer and Rysaer. For the AoS display, that’s Rysaer’s Fyreslayers facing off against Adrificer’s Kruleboyz. I’ve been soundly beaten by both armies in the past, so whomever wins, I’m happy because one of them gets defeated!

Then we turn to the other Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000:

This time, it’s Rysaer’s Black Templars against my own Necron army. I dug them out for the event and I forgot how much I actually like them, visually. They’re a cool army. They’re nice.

Next up, we’ve got some more GW games in the form of Necromunda and Warhammer Underworlds:

I believe that all of the terrain across the various displays is painted by Rysaer, too. Necromunda is a game I’ve not super gotten into, but there’s a wee core of players at the club keeping it going. Underworlds, meanwhile, sees a lot of regular play at club, and there are plans afoot to get an event organised soon. I should probably paint something up for that…

There’s also a wee display of assorted miniatures:

There’s a lot of cool stuff in here. I like the little example showing a model on sprues, one built, and then painted. There are plenty of cool character and centrepiece models on show, as well. I’ve always really liked Adrificer’s Droid Tank for Star Wars Legion. I think he did a great job on the weathering. Everything’s great here, though!

Finally, we have this year’s painting contest. We have sporadic painting contests throughout the year, but this is the one that’s a bit more interesting in that it’s voted for by folk at the show. It’s more outward facing, rather than us just voting on each other, as we normally do. Here are this year’s entrants:

Loads of cool stuff here. You can see my mini in there. I’m shocked that it’s a 40K one! Actually, the contest as a whole is skewing more 40K than usual, which may be reflective of the anticipation of a new edition. I really like the Bonereapers mini in there, as well as the Frostgrave wizard and the Votann Kahl. Lots of cool stuff!

Hoping to swing by at some point in the weekend, but yeah, that’s our club.