Completed: 40 Crypt Ghouls

Following on from last week’s post about working on the Flesh-Eater Courts army, I’ve actually got some models to share! I’ve painted up a batch of 40 Crypt Ghouls for the army, based on for plastic Foot Sergeants set from Fireforge Games. Here’s the set in question that I used for these minis:

Beyond these models, I just added a Crypt Ghoul head and a wee bit of green stuff. I’m not the best painter around, but I’d quite happy with how these chaps turned out:

The shields are a bit rough, but I found that whenever I tried to fix them, I just made it worse. Still, I am a big believer in it mattering less what your individual models look like, and more what they look like deployed together as an army.

I’m really enjoying putting this army together. Having finished the ghouls (for now; I want to do another 40) it’s time to tackle the knights and some characters. I reckon I’ll have a character or two finished before I get the big blocks of knights finished up.

Oh, and this batch of models takes me beyond my goal of 365 finished models for this year! It’s only August, so I’m going to be well over!

I wonder if I can hit 500?