Gallery Updates Oct 2023: Destruction Edition

Following on from another recent spate of painting, I’ve updated three of the galleries. This is a Destruction-focused update, with all of the models coming from the best damn grand alliance in Age of Sigmar.

First up, having finished Trugg, I needed to update the Gloomspite Gitz gallery:

In updating this gallery, I also realised that i hadn’t actually gotten around to adding some recently-completed Loonbosses. They’re in there now, too.

Next up, having finished the Kruleboyz regiment of renown, that needed added to the Orruk Warclans gallery:

I need to get the Ironjawz added to that as well, but I need to get them rebased first to match the rest of my destruction forces.

Finally, I also finished a batch of 5 Mancrusher Gargants which have been added to the Sons of Behemat gallery:

It’s cool to look back and see stuff finished. In the moment, you don’t always feel that you’re making good progress, but a bit of reflection is reassuring. I’m doing alright!


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