Completed: Kairic Acolytes

I put off doing these chaps as I thought they’d be much more difficult than I had expected. As it happens, they were a bit fiddly with the gold trim, but overall, they weren’t too bad. I liked that the detail is pretty well-defined, so the models aren’t too bad to paint, and there aren’t many areas that are hard to get into with a brush. I also just like making this army aggressively colourful!

I don’t think I’ll be building more of these at the moment, but I’d like to expand them a bit in the future. They come in boxes of 20, so I’d at least want to finish up the box.

Of the 22 models I had left to do for the Disciples of Tzeentch army, that’s 11 done between these chaps and my Magister. That feels good!

I’m a bit worried that I’m not sure where I’ve put my Curseling, but I can at least start the Tzaangor. Getting there!


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