Gallery Updates Dec 2023: Ogors and Tzeentch

With a lot of recent progress on both the Ogors and the Disciples of Tzeentch, it’s time to do a quick update of their respective galleries. My last gallery update was back in October and featured Gitz, Orruks, and Gargants.

This time, it’s all about the Ogor Mawtribes and the Disciples of Tzeentch. Both armies were big projects this year, and I’m delighted to have, over November and December, finished up 2,000 points of each.

In the case of Tzeentch, I can field some pretty decent lists, too!

The highlights among the new additions here are probably the Curseling and the Kairic Acolytes. I’m really happy with how these turned out.

The Ogors were more of an impulse project than the Tzeentch, which were more of a slow burn. They kind of came out of nowhere for me and I went with it.

Having recenty finished up two Stonehorn Beastriders miniatures, and last week a Slaughtermaster and a Frostlord on Stonehorn, the current shape of the army is finished.

Of course, it’s not really a list I’d be super eager to use. I’d like to expand on this a bit in the new year, possibly finishing another block of 2,000 points to give me some actual options.

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