Planning for Month 5 of Woehammer’s Slow Grow Challenge

Last month, I posted about trying to get caught up with the Woehammer Slow Grow challenge throughout June. I had April and May’s units to finish for both my Empire and Chaos Dwarf armies. So, midway through June, where are we?

Well, we’re actually in a pretty good space! I finished up my Empire Handgunners, which represent the Empire troops for April and May:

That leaves me with the Chaos Dwarf blunderbusses to finish. Again, the plan is for two units of 10, representing April and May’s targets.

This seems doable. I did find that the Infernal Guard took a lot longer to paint than I’d expected, but I know what I’m doing this time, so these minis should hopefully be easier.

As for June’s miniatures, we’re actually already sorted! That feels good. The target was to paint up a wizard for the Empire army and an Infernal Guard Seneschal for the Chaos Dwarfs. Both are done, and I’m pretty happy with them, too.

I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get fully caught up in June, which will put me in a good position to finish up the final month of the challenge in July.

Wish me luck!


  1. I find the World of Warhammer to be a lot like the D&D I played as a child, only split into medieval and futuristic realms. I’m a fan of the God-Emperor myself. I think Trump fans stole that one from Warhammer.

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