5 on Friday 14/06/24

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Games Workshop releases new Combat Patrol for the Genestealer Cults – The GSC are among the most interesting of 40K armies. I think I like that they’re pretty much the Skaven of 40K. Certainly, I’ve got a lot of unpainted GSC miniatures, and a few painted ones. Here’s an opportunity to grab some more, I guess:

My first reaction to the set when it was revealed was negative. I didn’t think it was as good as the previous set. let’s be honest, it feels like there’s a lot less in this, and it doesn’t seem as good for new players. That said, the content is still decent, especially for existing players, and anyone who has a set or two of the previous combat patrol. There are two units of Acolytes in here, which is a big plus. These guys are great and flexible. The bikes are some of my favourite minis, too. The Ridgerunner would be good as well, though less useful for me as I think I have a few of these sitting unbuilt. Yeah, seems like a decent set with useful models.

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Forbidden Psalm: Endless Horrors From Between The Stars is currently on Kickstarter –  Having previously looked at (and backed) Forbidden Psalm, I was delighted when my books arrived last month. I was also very interested to see this appear on Kickstarter:  

I’ve only had a cursory flip through my book so far, but I really like the tone of it. That’s why I immediately went and backed this one. It promises to take Forbidden Psalm and throw some monstrous horrors right into the middle. I love the concept and I can’t wait to raid Bestarium’s back catalogue for some suitable miniatures!

Chaosium releases a new edition of the Pendragon RPG – Pendragon is one of highest-rated RPGs ever. Now, Chaosium have released a shiny new edition of the classic Arthurian roleplaying game:

This core book is pretty much all you need to get started in Pendragon. It includes the rules, background, and inspirational artwork to get you going running or playing in your own Arthurian legends. I don’t know that this is a premise that excites me, personally, but I can certainly appreciate that this is the continuation of a truly beloved game!

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Lux Lupo launches Kickstarter campaign for Apothebakery – Oh, this is cute! Apothebakery is a game I’ve seen advertised everywhere as it continues to raise funds on Kickstarter:

I’m really swithering over backing this. I’ve got a real dislike of Kickstarter as a platform and have only really backed simple projects and those from very trusted vendors recently. Still, though… the game is interesting, with a fantastic concept and truly amazing, adorable art. It’s totally smashed its target and I’m impressed with the polish that the game and the project exhibit. Swithering!

Modiphius releases X-01 Power Armour for Fallout Wasteland Warfare – More great Fallout minis! As I play through Fallout 4, I truly appreciate the protection afforded by my power armour. And. hey, here are some tabletop versions all ready to go:

I like the slightly clunky design of Fallout power armour. It fits the setting and gives this unnatural, imposing look. I also like that there is a selection of different weapons in this set. Very cool!

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

Ragebait: What’s the point in getting fired up about reveals? @ Plastic Craic – I think the core advice in this post is solid. Is it easy to follow? No. It’s especially tricky with reveals like that of the Ogors… Let’s try though, eh?

Blue Collar Sci Fi @ Stalker7 I completely agree that blue collar sci-fi is a really great sub-genre. I was given a copy of Those Dark Places for Christmas and it’s very appealing.

Game Changer and the ‘Twist’ Campaign @ Cannibal Halfling Gaming I love Gamer Changer! I also love a good twist in an RPG. I especially love a twisty one-shot, and haven’t given as much thought to twisty campaigns. This is a good article with lots of good ideas and advice. Well worth a read!

Tale of One (Kharadron) Overlord – Part 1 @ Woehammer These look great, and it’s fantastic that at least someone has been hitting their slow-grow targets! I love the dark theme on these guys, and how the blue really pops against it.

UK Games Expo 2024 – the big one @ Burn After Running A nice wee writeup of the titular event. It sounds like the show was good, and there are some good companies highlighted here, and some positive observations about the state of the hobby.

*  *  *

There have been a few posts since my last 5 on Friday:

This week, I finished up some handgunners and engineers for my Empire army. I’m pretty pleased with how they turned out. That’s 21 painted miniatures to add to my total, bringing me past the 200 mark! Next up, I need to press on with the blunderbusses to catch up with my Chaos Dwarf goals.

Now, you also know that I’ve printed up a fair few models recently. The Ushoran proxy I showed this week was actually the mystery model printed two weeks ago, so that’s already in my totals. That leaves me with a piece of artillery and a trio of crew, my c’tan proxy, and 10 Flagellants. That gives us 15 printed miniatures this week. I also bought a miniature, too.

Painting, purchasing, and printing totals so far this year:

  • Purchased: 36 minis
  • Printed: 113 minis
  • Painted: 209 minis

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