Completed: Infernal Guard with Blunderbusses

And that’s me caught up with April and May slow-grow targets!  I did say in my month 5 (June) post that I just had the blunderbusses to do to catch up, since the June targets were already completed. 

Well, here they are:

And as a single unit of 20:

They’re still in that colour scheme that I am not totally sold on, but we’re as done as we’re going to be, and they look pretty decent. 

All I need to do to bring this army up to 1,000 points is next month’s target of a piece of artillery.  We’ll look more closely at that in next month’s Slow Grow Targets post.  Sadly, at the end of the slow grow, I won’t quite have the Empire in the same state, and will need to add something else to bring it up to 1,000 points, but I won’t be too far off.

Let’s round off again with the written aspect of the slow grow. First of all we need a name for the army. I’m going with Zarnak’s Black Forge Legion.

Then we need to write about their rivalry. Let’s do that:

The rivalry between Heinrich Volkmarsson’s Vanguard and Zarnak’s Black Forge Legion is one forged in the crucible of countless brutal confrontations. These two forces, representing the light of Sigmar and the darkness of Hashut, have clashed repeatedly across the war-torn landscapes of the Old World. Heinrich’s Vanguard, driven by an unyielding faith in Sigmar, seeks to protect the Empire and eradicate the blasphemous threats of Chaos. In stark contrast, Zarnak’s Black Forge Legion, fueled by dark sorcery and an insatiable hunger for domination, aims to enslave and corrupt everything in their path.

Their enmity reached a fever pitch during the Siege of Helmgar Pass. Here, the disciplined Halberdiers of Heinrich’s Vanguard stood resolute against the relentless assault of Zarnak’s twisted war machines and daemonic legions. The battlefield was a hellscape of clashing steel and roaring infernal engines. Heinrich’s fervent prayers and righteous fury empowered his troops to hold the line, while Zarnak’s dark incantations and ruthless tactics sought to break their spirit. Despite the overwhelming might of the Chaos Dwarfs, Heinrich’s unwavering faith and strategic acumen turned the tide, forcing Zarnak to retreat, seething with vengeance.

This rivalry is not merely a clash of armies but a fundamental battle of ideologies. Heinrich Volkmarsson sees Zarnak’s Black Forge Legion as the embodiment of corruption and a dire threat to the sanctity of the Empire. For Zarnak, Heinrich’s Vanguard represents a defiant obstacle to his vision of a world dominated by Hashut’s iron fist. Each skirmish, each battle, only deepens their mutual hatred, setting the stage for an epic struggle that will determine the fate of the Old World. Their next encounter promises to be even more ferocious, with both leaders willing to sacrifice everything to achieve victory and assert the supremacy of their respective gods.

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