5 on Friday 21/06/24

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Games Workshop releases new Hibou Khan miniature for Horus Heresy – You know, there was a running joke on our club Discord that I, with my noted distaste for Space Marines, would succumb and build a White Scars army. It’s never something that was really on the cards, but GW does keep releasing very cool White Scars miniatures…

This is gorgeous. It’s full of personality. It fits the legion so well. It’s just a pity it’ll be at the smaller scale, rather than Primaris. Oh, well! Still, I love it.

Onyx Path releases Curseborne: Ashcan Edition –  Cursebone is an upcoming RPG from Onyx Path. This publisher is putting out a few new games at the moment. It makes sense, as they have previously been known for their World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness books. The approval process for these titles seems to have dried up and Onyx Path looks to be pivoting to more original works.

This definitely fits into their Chronicles of Darkness vibe. The description feels like a more modern update of the old core New World (now Chronicles) of Darkness book. I always liked the idea of that book, with the regular humans facing off against a world of horrors, mysteries, and cryptids.

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MÖRK DÖD currently raising funds on Kickstarter – I think at this point that if you put the Mork Borg logo on anything, it will sell. Well, I hope so…

This latest Mork Borg-inspired game is all about chainsaws and sorcery! It hits exactly the right visual tone for a Mork Borg-esque game and embraces the nihilistic tone very well. The price point is also pretty reasonable.

    Modiphius releases 3D-printable Cola-Cars Arena scenery – Modiphius has been putting out some good STL sets for a while. Sometimes they also misprice them and you get them for almost nothing, but they seem to have tightened up on that! This set is really cool:

    it’s just perfect for Fallout. It embodies that retro-future kitsch! My love for the Nuka Cola brand and its omnipresence in the setting is also very strong. This feels pretty aimed at me.

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    Tuesday Knight Games releases Warden’s Manual for Mothership – Mothership looks right up my street. A bit of sci-fi horror never goes amiss, after all:

    This is essentially the GM handbook for Mothership. It has info and guidance for planning and running your adventures, and for expanding them out into full campaigns.

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    Blog Posts & Articles

    The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

    Blasting into 4th Ed with a Spearhead Hobby Challenge @ Plastic Craic – Hey, you know how I’ve only just managed to bring my Woehammer Slow Grow commitments up to date? Should I add another challenge to the slate? Probably not. Will I? Prolly!

    DIE the RPG – First Read @ The Giant Brain Rowan, Rook and Decard is one of my favourite RPG publishers, and DIE is on my watchlist. I’ll get around to it at some point. This is a good post, looking at some first impressions of the book. The game sounds interesting, but the overall impression is one that does somewhat temper my expectations.

    My Past Month in Hobby — 6.12.24 @ Torg’s Blog Those Tau models for Inquisitor are incredible. I loved this blog’s previous Inquisitor content, and now I just want to see the guys painted up!

    Something Wicked This Way Comes 2: Electric Boogaloo @ Deathzap I’ve loved watching this army/collection get put together. It’s so grim and gross. Genius!

    Painted Shadowcat @ The Bovine Overlord This is a great mini. It’s dynamic, characterful, and cool. It’s also nicely painted here, with a beautifully vibrant yellow.

    *  *  *

    There have been a few posts since my last 5 on Friday:

    This week, I finished 20 Chaos Dwarfs with blunderbusses.  I was delighted at how quick these were in comparison to my last unit of Infernal Guard.  There were two reasons for this.  Firstly, I knew what I was doing with them this time and wasn’t humming and hawing as I went along.  Second, I’m well this time.  The last unit coincided with some ill-health that really impacted hobby time and ability to focus.  I feel with these guys and my handgunners, I’ve been back on it! 

    Painting, purchasing, and printing totals so far this year:

    • Purchased: 36 minis
    • Printed: 113 minis
    • Painted: 229 minis

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