5 on Friday 28/06/24

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Games Workshop releases Solar Auxilia Battle Group for Legions Imperialis – I played a little bit of Epic when I was younger. I played as Tyranids. This was partly because it was back in late 2nd edition 40K to early 3rd edition, when Tyranid were interesting, and partly because of a great deal from the GW Mail Order Trolls, back when Games Workshop would have the occasional deal or sale. Legions Imperialis is a return to roughly that scale of play. Here’s a great, new army pack for the game:

It’s actually a pretty nice set, and it’s not Space Marines for a change! I’m pretty impressed with the miniatures, and the value seems pretty reasonable as well. I just really want to see this game expand and maybe include some of the more interesting armies.

Onyx Path releases No Gods, No Masters sourcebook for Scion 2E –  I was quite happy when Onyx Path bought Scion. It was always an underappreciated game, and one that will benefit hugely from involvement with a dynamic, reliable publisher like Onyx Path. No Gods, No Masters is the latest sourcebook for the second edition of Scion:

This is the advance PDF for an epic, tier-spanning campaign for your group to play through. With premade characters for you to (optionally) use, and some threatening new antagonists to trouble you on your adventures, this gives you plenty of material to get started right away.

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Atomic Mass releases Bad Batch set for Star Wars: Legion – I did not expect to enjoy Bad Batch as much as I did. I suppose that the clones aren’t really my favourite part of the Clone Wars. When I did settle in to watch Bad Batch, I actually really liked it, so this release for Legion grabbed my attention:

Althoigh obviously not as detailed or dynamic as the Bad Batch minis for Shatterpoint, these Legion models are still characterful, recognisable, and fun. It’s a great way to add that familiar flair to your games. There have been a lot of interesting Legion releases lately, which is nice as I had worried that the game was going to die off pretty quickly following the Shatterpoint release.

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Modiphius releases Mr Fuzzy promo for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – As a promo, this is a Fallout miniature that might be more popular among hobbyists than those who are entirely focused on playing the actual game. It’s certainly a fantastic miniature that I am looking forward to seeing painted up by different hobbyists in their individual styles:

The big mascot head with clear damage is an absolute home run for me. It’s a mix between the absurd and the weary. It feels lived in, which is a big part of the feel of the Fallout setting. Yeah, this is a fun mini.

Mantic releases a paint set for Halo: Flashpoint – With the imminent release of Mantic’s Halo game, Flashpoint, we’re also seeing associated releases like this paint set:

The paints contained in this set are from The Army Painter, and are from their new, much-celebrated Fanatic line of paints. There’s a nice selection of colours included in the set, and this might be a nice way into the Fanatic range for someone who just wants to try them out with a core range of colours.

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

Transitioning from 40K to AOS: A Primer @ Plastic Craic – Solid advice here, innit? The thing is, do we really want a load of sweaty players making their way over from Tryhardhammer to AoS? Eh? Eh?

Godblood @ Space-Biff Ichor sounds like an interesting game. I’ve not played many Reiner Knizia games, which is a pity as I know he’s an institution in himself. The prototype copy pictured in the post looks great, too. I don’t fully know if it’s for me, but I’m intrigued.

9 Years @ Imperial Rebel Ork I thoroughly agree that our hobby, putting aside the GWbBAD whingers, is a pretty positive place. I also like the different perspectives we all bring to said hobby. Well done on 9 years. I love your blog!

Progress and decline in the Old World @ Ill Met by Morrslieb The evolution of technology of a setting, and the direction in which society is moving, are interesting factors in the development of any fictional setting. In Warhammer, there are a few questions, like those explored in this post, that are open to interpretation. That wiggle room is really interesting to me.

Stargrave Quarantine 37: Hydroponics Bay @ Orcs Illustrated Oh, these are cool! Sounds like it was a really fun game, enhanced by the pretty miniatures and fantastic terrain. Really committing to a good, narrative-based skirmish game should be one of my goals for next year.

*  *  *

There have been a few posts since my last 5 on Friday:

Last week, I finished 20 Chaos Dwarfs with blunderbusses.  This week, I’ve not finished anything, and I am unlikely to by the end of June. Instead, I was cleaning up prints and priming, as shown in this week’s WiP Wednesday post. Next week, I expect to make some good progress on finishing off stuff for my The Old World armies. Really, I’d hope to completely finish them up to 1,000 points, each.

I did buy one miniature, though. I’ll update the totals accordingly. I am about to add a whole bunch of purchased minis when the new AoS box comes out…

Painting, purchasing, and printing totals so far this year:

  • Purchased: 37 minis
  • Printed: 113 minis
  • Painted: 229 minis

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