New Release: Creative Inertia

After sharing some thoughts on using Fiasco to play a Yes, Minister-themed game, I put together a playset for Fiasco. Fiasco is a favoured game of this blog, so I was really keen to make something cool. In the end, I decided to put it up on DriveThruRPG. This way, you’re welcome to take the PDF for free, or to chuck me a couple of quid if the notion takes you.

The set is named for one of my favourite quotes from Yes, Minister. The game draws on the characters and issues raised in a range of sitcoms of movies, including:

  • Yes, Minister
  • Yes, Prime Minister
  • In The Loop
  • The Thick of It
  • Veep
  • The New Statesman
  • Absolute Power

All absolute classics! That should give you an idea of the sort of tone I was going for.

Going forward, I’m keen to start releasing more content on DTRPG. The next item will likely be another playset, but I’d like to come up with some other ideas, and see what else I can put out.

One playset I am currently working on is a teacher-themed one, called Brick:

I’m hoping to have this out in early January, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

In the meantime, if you’re a Fiasco player (and if you’re not, why not?) you can check out Creative Inertia. You can click here to visit the DTRPG page for Creative Intertia.