5 on Friday 16/06/23

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Mark Plemmons releases free, dyslexia-friendly edition of his game, I Am Furious (Pink) – I Am Furious is a new game from Mark Plemmons. The game sees you rise from a traumatic experience with incredible powers. The game itself looks interesting, but I want to talk about some of the different versions being put out:

The core game is a $5 PDF with full text and art. In addition a free, text-only version was made available. In additional addition a reformatted dyslexia-friendly edition of the free text-only edition was put out. I like that these options are available, and it’s a great step for accessibility. I suppose that the next step would be to make an accessible version of the main book to show that it’s not just a cynical move.

Affiliate Links

The Frost City 3D-printable miniatures up on Kickstarter – STL Miniatures does put out some good stuff. It’s really cool to now see them putting out a new project via Kickstarter; The Frost City:

This is a collection of miniatures and terrain very well suited to Frostgrave. I absolutely love the minis. The best bit is the selection of wizards. I started listing my favourites, but I was just naming all of them, which seemed a bit pointless. With lots of wizards, a smattering of apprentices, some terrain, and 2 warbands, this really does give you everything you need, except for the book (Affiliate Links: Physical or PDF), to get going with Frostgrave.

Games Workshop taking preorder for Leviathan boxed set – Y’all know what this is. It’s the new edition of 40K with a big ol’ box of Space Marines and something for Space Marines to shoot. This time, it’s Tyranids:

Certainly a much more interesting choice than the Horus Heresy box which featured Space Marines and Space Marines…

Kidding aside, the box is stunning. The new ‘nids look amazing, and I love the upscaled Terminators. It seems to be sold out at GW, but Element has some left at the time of writing.

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Beastieball, a turn-based volleyball RPG, up on Kickstarter – I don’t normally include video games here, but I came across this one and it seemed pretty interesting:

It looks to be a Pokemon-esque volleyball game. I adore the specificity! I’m not sure I like core gameplay features like matchmaking being stretch goals, but otherwise the campaign looks pretty good.

Hobby Dungeon Games releases One Page Game Jam collection –  I’ve been looking at some one-page games and adventures recently, so this collection of one-page games jumped out at me as I perused DTRPG:

I’ve picked it up to have a skim. There’s a fair range of stuff in here and I love the mish-mash of different styles. At first glance, the games that catch my attention are Deadbolt, Fight or Flirt, and Redaction.

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Genestealer Cults Index @ Goonhammer Goodhammer puts out a lot of good content. This time, it’s a fantastic writeup of the Genestealer Cults and their 10th edition index. I’m starting off with the Combat Patrol but posts like this will help me get my head around the army and edition so I know where to go next.

Dracula’s America: Skinwalker Tribe (Desert) @ table war  Dracula’s America is a cool skirmish game from Osprey. We like Osprey’s games! I’d like to get around to trying it, and I do like the minis that North Star put out for it. These Skinwalkers look great. The author has really done them justice!

The Woehammer Display Cabinet – May ’23 @ Woehammer Woehammer has started posting mini from their Discord. It’s nice to see a community forming around the site. There are a few of mine in there, too! Take a look at the Chaos Warriors (are they Chosen?) painted in the style of WoW Death Knights.

Chaos Knights 10th Edition Reactions @ Line of Sight Wargaming A nice, in-depth look at the Chaos Knights as they will be at the start of 10th edition Warhammer 40,000. I’ve never played Knights, but Chaos Knights do interest me. Clearly, I like big minis! A good read, this.

Top Three AOS Lists for the Bugeater AOS GT @ Woehammer Some fun lists here. I love it when all of the lists are interesting and not silly Order armies. The wildcard army (Slaves to Darkness) is particularly interesting.

*  *  *

Since my last 5 on Friday, here’s what’s appeared on NoRerolls:

Having made some progress on the cult, it’s time to push on and finish up more of the first phase of the army. Oh, and tomorrow will see the final part of the RPGS and mental health series!

Catch y’all soon! 

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