The Power of Tabletop RPGs in Nurturing Mental Health and Building Connections, Part 5: Self-Care and Tabletop RPGs

Throughout our series on tabletop RPGs and mental health, we have explored the various ways these games can positively impact wellbeing, foster connections, and create inclusive environments. Before moving on to our final section, let’s take a look at where we’ve gone with this series:

  1. An Introduction
  2. The Therapeutic Benefits of RPGs
  3. Community and Connection
  4. Game Mastering and Emotional Wellbeing
  5. Incorporating Self-Care into RPG Sessions (you are here!)

In this final installment, we shift our focus to the importance of self-care within tabletop RPG experiences. We discuss strategies that players can employ to prioritize their mental health and wellbeing while engaging in these immersive games.

Setting Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining boundaries is crucial for self-care in tabletop RPGs. Communicate your limits and comfort levels with the GM and fellow players. Be mindful of your emotional capacity and ensure that the game content aligns with your wellbeing. This might include discussing any sensitive topics or triggers beforehand and establishing guidelines for respectful and inclusive gameplay.

Taking Breaks: It’s essential to recognize when you need breaks during gameplay. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, or emotionally drained, communicate this to the GM and fellow players. Even if you’re feeling fine, it’s good to just step away for a few moments of processing or decompressing time. Take time to step away from the game, engage in activities that recharge you, and prioritize self-care practices. Remember, it’s okay to pause and prioritize your mental wellbeing.

Reflecting and Processing: Tabletop RPGs can evoke a range of emotions and experiences. Take the time to reflect on the game sessions and process any feelings that arise. Journaling about your character’s journey, discussing the game with trusted friends, or seeking support from fellow players can be valuable for processing emotions and gaining insights. Reflecting on your experiences within the game can contribute to personal growth and self-awareness. I like to build in a little reflection time during the plenary at the end of a session, particularly at key points in a campaign.

Engaging in Self-Expression: Tabletop RPGs provide a platform for self-expression and creativity. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore and express yourself through your character. Consider crafting backstories, developing unique personalities, or incorporating personal themes into the narrative. Engaging in self-expression within the game can promote emotional wellbeing and empower you to explore different aspects of your identity.

Building Supportive Networks: Engage with tabletop RPG communities and connect with fellow players who share similar interests. Join online forums, attend gaming conventions, or seek out local gaming groups. Building supportive networks provides opportunities for camaraderie, social connections, and discussions about shared experiences. These connections can extend beyond the game and provide ongoing support and understanding. I’d also add that it’s perfectly okay to also withdraw from specific communities if they become toxic or overly negative. Don’t feel trapped in a bad situation.

Practicing Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness into your tabletop RPG experiences. Stay present and engaged in the game, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the story and interactions. Practice deep breathing (I like five finger breathing, myself) or grounding techniques to help manage stress and stay centered during gameplay. Cultivating mindfulness can enhance your overall gaming experience and support your mental wellbeing.

As we reach the end of our series, we have learned that tabletop RPGs offer not only an avenue for entertainment and creativity but also a space for self-care and nurturing mental health.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to enjoy the game and the social experience it represents, while also prioritizing your mental health. Harness the transformative power of tabletop RPGs while taking care of yourself. May your adventures be filled with joy, growth, and wellbeing.