5 on Friday 30/06/23

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Atomic Mass Games to release Jedi Hunters pack for Star Wars Shatterpoint – Shatterpoint continues to be aggressively tempting. I’ve previously drooled over the Dooku set, and now I’m staring longingly (having run out of drool) at this Inquisitorial set:

I love the Inquisitors as a concept, and these models do them justice. I wouldn’t be surprised if more inquisitors appeared in the future, because there are such gorgeous designs to draw from. Fantastic!

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Chaosium releases new starter set for Pendragon – Pendragon is a game that live perpetually in the RPG Geek top 10. It has a proud, well-respected heritage. Now, it’s getting a new starter box:

Chaosium do good boxes. Recent discussions on one of the Discord servers I frequent have supported this assertion. This set is packed with content:

  • Book I: The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone: Learn the rules for Pendragon as you play this solo adventure.
  • Book II: The Fabled Realm: Everything you need to know about the game’s setting and core mechanics.
  • Book III: The Sword Campaign: A beginner-friendly campaign taking the Player-knights through the most important early events of King Arthur’s reign—three game years in all.
  • Appendices: Additional rules and setting details introduced as you play through The Sword Campaign.
  • Pregenerated Characters: Eight Player-knights, ready for adventure.
  • Battle Cards: A set of eighteen perforated cards allowing you to generate combat encounters, and quickly reference enemy combat mechanics and evocative descriptions.
  • Dice: A set of seven polyhedral dice suitable for roleplaying in Pendragon.

I’ve never really tried to pick up more historical-themed RP, but this set seems a pretty good entry point.

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Black Library releases The King of the Spoil, a novel by Donathan D Beer – I love the concept of the Warhammer Crime series. It looks beyond the big battles and heavy action of the main gameline and into corners of the setting(s) that are rarely explored.

The feral underbelly of the Imperium has always interested me, so I’m probably going to pick this up and dive right on in. I think I’ll go with the audiobook – got a few Audible tokens sitting unused.

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Onyx Path releases Exalted Essence, a streamlined version Exalted – My copy of the third edition of Exalted is a beautiful book. It’s a bit big, though. Like… massive! Just look at it:

Cutting the page count down from 659 to a ‘mere’ 388, Onyx Path has released its streamlined version, Exalted Essence:

I agree with Onyx Path that this will look a lot more approachable for new players, and probably just easier to use for returning ones. I’m keen to have a flip through this one and see if it makes me more willing to take Exalted to the table.

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Osprey Games releases The Wildwoods, an expansion for Frostgrave –  The second edition of Frostgrave seems to be going from strength to strength. A couple of us at club have been painting up some warbands to give it a go sometime soon. I’ve done two, myself, including a soldier warband and a gang of cultists. It feels like Osprey is egging us on with their expansions:

This expansion takes players out of the ruined city and deep into the woods. I am told that these woods are wild. The book gives new soldiers, magic items, creatures, and scenarios. Something I’m quite keen to do is to pick either Frostgrave or Stargrave and really commit by painting (possibly printing) some warbands and the whole bestiary to really be able to run a nice campaign or any of the scenarios.

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

Agon – GMs Review @ The Giant Brain I’ve been quite interested in Agon and the underlying Paragon system for a while. I do consider picking it up from time to time, but there’s usually something I just end up grabbing instead. It’s just never been top of the list, y’know? This review gives a good rundown of the game from a GM’s perspective, and there’s a link back to another post by the same reviewer writing from a player’s perspective.

Leonardo AI Is Pretty Cool! @ Scarlett’s BPD Corner  I’m always on the lookout for interesting, new AI tools. I hadn’t heard of Leonardo, but I’m keen to check it out based on the results from this post. One for next week, I reckon!

Mythic Battles: Pantheon – Echidna’s Children Boxed Set Complete @ Azazel’s Bitz Box These all look great, but I especially love the fox. The miniature and the paintjob are both fantastic. I also really like that chimera. The bandaged head is an element that really appeals to me.

GHB 23/24 Leaks and Analysis @ Plastic Craic The first of two Plastic Craic posts featured in today’s roundup, this is a look at some of the leaks from the upcoming GHB for Age of Sigmar. Some good observations, and it’s great to have a wee peek and think about the imminent changes to the game.

Mission (Im?)Possible: General’s Handbook 2024 @ Plastic Craic A more focused post, this one looks specifically at the new scenarios in the upcoming GHB. I really like a lot of these, with Power Flux being one I am especially looking forward to playing.

*  *  *

Since my last 5 on Friday, here’s what’s appeared on NoRerolls:

This week, I’ll be sharing some more thoughts on investigative RPGs, the game of the month for June, and the June resolutions roundup. Thursday will also see a look back to some more Dragonball content.

Catch y’all soon! 

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