Plastic Craic Announces Winner of Their Galletian Champions Painting Contest

I like it when an ostensibly gaming-based blog takes some time to celebrate the hobby side of the… uh.. hobby. Plastic Craic did this recently with a panting contest to celebrate the end of the previous GHB and, as such, the end of Galletian Champions.

With that as the theme, it should come as no surprise that participants were asked to submit Galletian Champions as something of a last hurrah for the wee heroes of Gallet. I put in a couple of entries, myself:

There were plenty of cool minis submitted as entries. Here are a few of my favourites from those submitted:

Finally, here’s the winning entry; a rather splendid Gaunt Summoner:

Very Tzeentch, innit? I love all the vibrant colours. Clearly, I enjoy vibrant colours!

Speaking of vibrant colours, the prize for this contest was a new piece of Plastic Craic merch in the form of this rather fetching bumbag:

The winner will be the envy of all with such a statement-piece adoring their hips!

To see Plastic Craic’s post and all of the entries, you can follow the link below:

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