5 on Friday 04/08/23

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Forgeworld releases Ripper Bolgrot, a Troll star player for Blood Bowl – The return of a classic! Ripper Bolgrot it a legendary star player who proper tears up the Blood Bowl pitch. Now, he returns!

The model is fantastic, but I’m honestly pretty surprised it’s taken this long for him to appear, given how iconic he was back in eh day. Still, great to see him arrive!

Osprey releases The Doomed, a horror-themed skirmish game – I like monsters. I like Osprey’s range of very specific wargames. As such, this very specific, monster-hunting wargame from Osprey has grabbed my interest:

Chris McDowall is the writer of Electric Bastionland, which is a very good sign for this game! It appears to be quite scenario-based and rules-light. Both are big plusses for me! I’ve ordered my copy.

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Marvel releases their new Multiverse Role-Playing Game – There have been a few Marvel RPGs over the years, but now the venerable publisher seems to be taking it in-house for Multiverse. There’s been a playtest version available for a while, but the final version has now been released.

The game has some clear influences from D&D, both 3.5 and 5E. One major difference is that instead of rolling a D20 and adding a modifier, this uses 3D6 and a modifier. This gives more of a bell curve of results, rather than just a flat range. I’m keen to see if this game gains much traction.

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Mother Talzin and her crew released for Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Ohhh, please stop releasing awesome Shatterpoint minis. I’m doing so well in resisting this game and I just don’t know that I’m going to be able to maintain this discipline…

I just know that when I do fall, I’m going to fall hard. I’m going to pick up sooo much stuff. Resist! Oh, and yeah, this release is great as well. Lovely minis, much niceness.


Modiphius releases Lower Decks supplements for Star Trek Adventures –  I like Star Trek Adventures. It’s a good game and a good implementation of the 2D20 system. It’s also a great demonstration of Modiphius’ consistently high production quality. I’ve never taken the plunge of running a game, and have only played it as a one-shot. This newest supplement has me tempted, though:

I love Lower Decks. It’s such a fun show that really celebrates the wider Trek franchise. I’m keen to grab the PDF for this book and really see if it pushes me into running a game.

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

Where to Start – Warhammer 40,000 Craftworld Iyanden @ The Sentry Box I really like this sort of post, as it really helps to give new players a starting point in the hobby. I like this post more specifically because I love the idea of a Wraith army. If I were doing Eldar, this is how I’d likely do them.

Ancient Robot Games @ The Giant Brain  Oh, I should have checked this place out when I was south over the past few weeks! I’ll have to make a point of checking in next time I’m down. October, maybe?

The Internet was wrong! @ Musk’s Miniatures It’s always great to read of people ignoring the online 40K community groupthink and just playing the game and exploring for themselves! Glad to see folk having fun and embracing Nurgle’s many blessings.

Fiasco! One Piece Meets Negative Dice @ Papier und Spiele This is a really great writeup of a game of Fiasco. Fiasco is such an excellent game, so it’s always great to read of people enjoying it

Still Screaming into the Void @ True Line of Sight This chap is living my ideal hobby life! This post is full of the sort of skirmish games I’d like to dip into. That Ruenip stuff is especially good!

*  *  *

It’s been quite a while since my last 5 on Friday, so there have been a lot of posts on the blog since then:

Tomorrow sees the end of the series on investigative play. I’ve also just finished up some new minis that I’ll be sharing on Sunday. Beyond that, I’m not sure what the week will hold, aside from an RPG-themed Throwback Thursday.

Catch y’all soon! 


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