Making Tabletop Roleplaying Games Inclusive: Supporting Dyslexic Players

Tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs) have been a source of imagination, creativity, and camaraderie for decades. However, not everyone gets to experience the magic of these games in the same way. Dyslexia, a neurological condition that affects reading, writing, and spelling, can present unique challenges for individuals who want to participate in RPGs. In this article, we’ll explore ways to make RPGs more inclusive and accessible for dyslexic players, ensuring that they can fully engage in the storytelling and adventure.

Dyslexia is a diverse and often misunderstood condition that affects people differently. It’s essential to approach dyslexia with empathy and an open mind. Dyslexic individuals might experience difficulties in reading, writing, spelling, and even processing information quickly. However, dyslexia is not indicative of one’s intelligence or creativity. Many dyslexic individuals are incredibly imaginative and have a lot to contribute to RPG groups.

Part 1: Creating Dyslexia-Friendly Materials

One of the primary challenges for dyslexic players is dealing with written materials like rulebooks, character sheets, and campaign notes. Game masters and fellow players can take several steps to make these materials more accessible:

  1. Clear Formatting: Use clean and readable fonts, appropriate font sizes, and sufficient spacing. Avoid elaborate decorative fonts that may be difficult to read.
  2. Bullet Points and Lists: Break down information into bullet points or lists, which are easier to scan and comprehend than dense paragraphs.
  3. Visual Aids: Incorporate diagrams, flowcharts, and visual aids to illustrate complex concepts. Visuals can help dyslexic players understand rules and scenarios more easily.
  4. Digital Resources: Provide digital versions of materials that dyslexic players can modify to suit their preferences. Digital documents can be customised for font, size, and spacing.

Part 2: Verbal Communication

RPGs heavily rely on verbal communication. For dyslexic players, focusing on spoken words might be more comfortable than reading text. Here’s how you can facilitate better verbal communication:

  1. Clear Descriptions: When describing environments, characters, or situations, use clear and concise language. Avoid overly complex sentences that might be confusing.
  2. Encourage Open Dialogue: Foster an environment where players can openly discuss their preferences and comfort levels. This will help dyslexic players express their needs without hesitation.

Part 3: Flexible Gameplay

Making gameplay itself more adaptable can greatly enhance the experience for dyslexic players:

  1. Collaborative Note-Taking: If note-taking is challenging, encourage players to share the task. This way, dyslexic players can participate fully without feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Summarise Complex Concepts: Periodically summarise intricate rules or ongoing storylines to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  3. Use Technology: Allow the use of tablets or smartphones for reference, rule checking, or even digital character sheets. There are also TTRPG-specific apps that can assist in organising information.

Moving Forward with Empathy

Above all, remember that every dyslexic individual is unique, and their needs may differ. Patience and empathy are essential when accommodating dyslexic players. By fostering an inclusive and supportive gaming environment, you’re not only helping dyslexic players but enriching the TTRPG experience for everyone involved.

Tabletop roleplaying games are about creativity, storytelling, and bonding with friends. Making these games accessible to dyslexic players requires a commitment to understanding their needs and adapting accordingly. TTRPGs can and should be a welcoming space for all enthusiasts, regardless of their literacy-based challenges. Let’s ensure that the realm of imagination remains boundless for everyone.

A great source for information, and my Dyslexia charity of choice, is Dyslexia Scotland. Whilst their operation are obviously Scotland-focused, the information and advice they provide is useful to all.


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