New Release: Mayhem in Maryhill

Having slightly missed my intended release in August, I’ve got something fun to share with you today. This is the second Fiasco Playset I’ve put together following my previous effort, Creative Inertia. Whilst that was based on British political sitcoms, this one comes from even closer to home and is based on Scottish Sitcoms; most obviously Still Game.

You can click here to visit the DriveThruRPG page for Mayhem in Maryhill.

Still Game is an absolute classic. If you’ve not seen it, you should. Seriously, go watch it. I’d love to hear how any readers from overseas (or even just very far south) get on with it!

The title, Mayhem in Maryhill, was chosen as part of my effort to ‘genericise’ the playset. Maryhill is where most of the filming took place for Still Game’s fictional setting of Craiglang. It has the ambiance we’re going for, here!

It’s also nice to do something Glasgow-related. It’s where I was born. I didn’t spend much time in Maryhill specifically, except going with my dad to the squash club there, the SSRC.

As with my previous playset, this is a ‘Pay What You Want’ item, so feel free to just nab it if you want to, or drop me a couple of quid if you enjoy it.

You can click here to visit the DriveThruRPG page for Mayhem in Maryhill.


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