365 Days of Posts: My Highlights

You know those really low-effort clip shows that TV series do when there’s no money left? Aye? Good. Let’s do one of those.

Today is a bit of a milestone in the longest streak of posts I’ve managed on this or any previous blog. I can’t say that I set out aiming to manage to post every day for a year, but it kind of worked out that way and by day 200, I was pretty determined to keep going.

The content on here falls broadly into three broad categories:

  1. Formulaic posts like 5 on Friday, Throwback Thursday, Gallery Updates, Kickstarter Watches, and posting about sales and bundles. I do like to give this content more of a voice, and weigh in with opinions, but it’s largely about sharing cool stuff found elsewhere.
  2. Finished Miniatures posts where I share some models that I have recently finished painting. These tend to come in fits and spurts, like my hobby motivation does. I’ve managed a lot more of these this year and interestingly, given the largely pictorial nature of these posts, they’ve been largely responsible for the average word count of my posts plummeting! That’s not a problem; it’s just funny.
  3. Written Content takes a lot of different forms, but it tends to be the content that I’m happiest with, and of which I am often (not always) quite proud. This is really varied stuff, and affords me real opportunities for exploring my hobby.

With that said, let’s take a look at some highlights from the past 365 days. Working backward, I am really pleased with these 20 posts:

In hindsight, the RPG content is the most fun to write. I want to build on this with more reviews, play suggestions, thoughts and series, and DTRPG content.

Wargames content is actually a bit sparser these days, once you take out the painting posts. Board games, as previously discussed, are also not as present on the blog as once they were, except in the annual top 50 and many of the Game of the Month posts.

Generally though, I’m pretty happy with the general direction of things. Would I like more people to see some of the RPG content of which I am pretty proud? Yep. But we are where we are.

I think that I am now too fussed if I miss a day now. The point in aiming for daily posting was to discipline myself and build routine. That’s been a success. I now can forgive myself for missing a day here or there if it happens. We’ll see.


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