Establishing Roleplaying Etiquette, Part 1: Introduction

Roleplaying games (RPGs) provide a unique and immersive experience where players can embark on epic adventures, weave intricate narratives, and inhabit fascinating characters. To ensure a positive and enjoyable gaming environment, it is essential to establish and follow positive roleplaying etiquette at the table. In this series of blog posts, we will explore the importance of such etiquette and provide practical tips for fostering a positive gaming experience. Here’s the planned structure for this series:

  1. Introduction (you are here)
  2. Communication and respect
  3. Collaboration and teamwork
  4. Nurturing and collaborative GM interactions
  5. Constructive feedback

With that established, let’s jump into our introductory post, eh?

Roleplaying etiquette refers to a set of guidelines (written or otherwise) and behaviours that help create a respectful, inclusive, and enjoyable atmosphere during RPG sessions. It goes beyond the mechanics and rules of the game, focusing on how players interact with one another, communicate, and handle various situations that arise during gameplay. By adhering to roleplaying table etiquette, we can enhance immersion, encourage collaboration, and promote a pretty awesome gaming environment.

Establishing and following role-playing etiquette offers numerous benefits to both players and the overall gaming experience. The first of these is that it encourages clear and respectful communication among players. These games should promote active listening, effective feedback, and constructive dialogue, fostering an environment where everyone’s ideas and contributions are valued.

As I have discussed before on this blog, following good roleplaying etiquette can help to create an inclusive gaming environment where all players feel safe, welcome, and respected. It allows for diverse perspectives, promotes cultural sensitivity, and discourages harmful behavior or language.

Good roleplaying etiquette emphasises collaboration and teamwork among players. By encouraging cooperation and shared problem-solving, these games should naturally enhance the group dynamic and foster a sense of camaraderie at the gaming table.

Finally, good roleplaying etiquette provides guidelines for resolving conflicts and disagreements that may arise during gameplay. It encourages players to address issues respectfully, find common ground, and maintain a positive atmosphere even in challenging situations.

Having outlined some key benefits of establishing good group etiquette, we will now turn our attention to how we would actually implement it. To effectively implement good, positive roleplaying etiquette, it’s important to establish clear expectations and communicate them with other players. Let’s consider a few tips for doing this.

It’s important to put our best foot forward, and therefore we should be starting right from our ‘session zero’. Begin your RPG campaign with an introductory session where you discuss expectations, boundaries, and any sensitive topics that players should be aware of. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can contribute to creating a comfortable gaming environment.

Once we’re underway, encourage all players to listen actively, respect one another’s ideas and opinions, and avoid talking over each other. Fostering a supportive atmosphere allows for more meaningful and inclusive gameplay. Books like Improv for Gamers can give good advice on this, and even just applying the concept of ‘yes, and…’ can be really effective.

Encourage players to differentiate between in-character interactions and out-of-character discussions. This helps to prevent misunderstandings and ensures that any conflicts or disagreements remain confined to the game world. This can be challenging for some players, and I’ve found this particularly true of younger players in my groups for children; especially for some who are also autistic.

Finally, respect personal boundaries and obtain consent from players before introducing potentially sensitive or mature content. This piece of advice can be controversial in some circles. Prioritise the well-being and comfort of all participants, creating a space where everyone feels safe to engage in the game.

As we finish up for this week, the message you take away should be that it is really crucial to promote respectful communication, inclusivity, collaboration, and conflict resolution at your table. Players can enhance their RPG experiences and foster a sense of camaraderie and excitement at the gaming table with just a little bit of self-awareness. In the next blog post, we will explore the topic of communication and respect among players. Stay tuned!