Establishing Roleplaying Etiquette, Part 3: Collaboration and Teamwork

Roleplaying games (RPGs) provide a unique and immersive experience where players can embark on epic adventures, weave intricate narratives, and inhabit fascinating characters. To ensure a positive and enjoyable gaming environment, it is essential to establish and follow positive roleplaying etiquette at the table. In this series of blog posts, we will explore the importance of such etiquette and provide practical tips for fostering a positive gaming experience. Here’s the planned structure for this series:

  1. Introduction 
  2. Communication and respect
  3. Collaboration and teamwork (you are here)
  4. Nurturing and collaborative GM interactions
  5. Constructive feedback

With that established, let’s talk teamwork!

RPGs live and die by collaboration and teamwork. When players work together effectively, they create a dynamic and engaging gaming experience. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of collaboration and teamwork in RPGs and discuss strategies for fostering a cohesive and supportive group dynamic. Let’s delve into the power of working together in RPGs by looking at the Benefits of Collaboration and Teamwork.

I’m pretty firmly of the belief that you have to start with the assumption that each player brings unique skills, knowledge, and perspectives to the table. By collaborating, players can pool their strengths and utilise their individual expertise to overcome challenges and achieve the shared goals that form the core of any group-based campaign.

When players work together and harness these individual strengths, they have the opportunity to build upon each other’s ideas, sparking creativity and innovation. Collaboration fosters a synergistic environment where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A party that can work together and bounce off each other also acts as a reassuring support to any party member or members who may not be as comfortable with roleplaying.

RPGs often present complex problems and puzzles that require collaborative problem-solving. By combining their resources, brainstorming solutions, and supporting one another, players can tackle challenges with greater efficiency and effectiveness. We’ve previously written about this at length in our series on investigative RPGs.

Collaboration and teamwork can also contribute to a sense of immersion in the game world. When players actively engage with one another and work together towards a common objective, they become more invested in the narrative and the success and wider development of their characters.

Having established some of the benefits of collaboration and teamwork, we can turn our attention to some strategies that can be used to foster these qualities in your RPG groups and sessions.

My first suggestion, and the simplest, is simply to establish a shared goal. This shared goal or objective should be simple. The simplicity of an overall goal does not mean that the path to it needs to be simple, so don’t worry about dumbing down your campaigns. A goal can also evolve over time; there just needs to be one at any given moment. This creates a common purpose that unifies the group and encourages collaboration.

Communication between players should be encouraged, and in-character information sharing should be fostered. As a GM, emphasise the importance of open and effective communication among your players and reward it early in the campaign. Encourage players to share information, discuss strategies, and keep each other informed about their characters’ actions and intentions. Wherever possible, this should take place in character to encourage immersion and cut down on the scourge of meta-gaming, which can damage the autonomy of less confident players.

On that note, players should also be encouraged to make decisions collectively, and in character whenever possible. This allows everyone to have a say in the direction of the game and promotes a sense of ownership and investment in the outcomes.

As a GM, you must remember that it’s your role to foster a supportive and inclusive environment where players actively support and encourage one another. Players should celebrate each other’s successes, provide assistance when needed, and create opportunities for characters to collaborate within the game world. Shift the focus from the sort of individual competition that exists in most tabletop games to the cooperative gameplay at the core of the RPG. Encourage players to view their characters as part of a team and reward collaborative efforts that advance the story or solve challenges.

That said, just because were are celebrating teamwork does not mean that we can’t recognise individual contributions. Acknowledge and appreciate the individual contributions of each player. Highlight their unique skills, ideas, and actions, reinforcing the value of each player’s presence in the group as an individual with something unique to contribute.

Collaboration and teamwork are vital elements that contribute to an immersive and rewarding RPG experience. By embracing the power of working together, players can leverage their diverse skills, perspectives, and creativity to overcome challenges, solve mysteries, and create memorable stories. In the next part of this series, we will explore the dynamics of player-GM interactions and how they can enhance the gameplay experience. Stay tuned for more insights on creating a positive gaming environment!


  1. Amusing to note that you use an image from Paranoia, in which teamwork and co-operation is the opposite of the play style and typical game experience!


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