5 on Friday 17/11/23

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Games Workshop brings back Da Red Gobbo – There’s something of a tradition now for GW trotting out a Christmas miniature, and it’s often Goblin related, and often featuring Da Red Gobbo. This year is no exception, with Da Red Gobbo here to deliver explosive gifts down the chimney for all the boys and girls of the Mortal Realms:

It’s a good mini. It’s fun. I like it. I also really like the rules. It’s a wee anti-horde piece. I’ve not seen points for it, though. I’d love to see a non-seasonal version of Da Red Gobbo released. I think that would see me run to do a Grot Uprising army! 

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Evil Hat releases Girl by Moonlight –  Ah Evil Hat, my beloved… Evil Hat remains one of my favourite publishers and I love their style. I also really love their smaller form-factor rulebooks. This new offering, Girl by Moonlight, appeared on my DTRPG feed and grabbed my interest.

Based on Blades in the Dark, this game is all about… well, lots of things. Self-actualisation seems to be a big element. I like the settings that are included in the book, too. These include: 

  • At The Brink of The Abyss. Heroic magical girls fight to reclaim a corrupted world. It’s inspired by Sailor Moon and Steven Universe.
  • On A Sea of Stars features mecha pilots struggling against extinction at the hands of the Leviathans and is inspired by Diebuster and The Vision of Escaflowne.
  • Beneath A Rotting Sky deals with tragedy and betrayal where magical girls are doomed to an inevitable fate. It’s inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
  • In A Maze of Dreams draws on both Paprika and Serial Experiments. Its central themes are desire, mass culture, and ideas developing a life of their own.

I don’t think it’s one that I’m going to pick up, but it’s interesting. One can always count on Evil Hat for that.

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Corvus Belli releases CodeOne ALEPH Collection Pack – Corvus Belli makes exceedingly good miniatures, don’t they? The Infinity range is gorgeous, and the Aleph range is a particularly favourite of mine. They’ve now started releasing these collection pack for their CodeOne game:

CodeOne is a cut-down version of Infinity. I like the idea of being able to just grab everything you’re likely to need for a faction on one fell swoop, even if it does come with a hefty price tag. I should take a wee look at CodeOne and see if it’s more accessible than Infinity for new players. Might be a better way to get some games in!

The Gauntlet releases their new RPG, The Silt Verses – This is an interesting indie RPG. It’s a PbtA game, so you know it’s built on a solid foundation, and it tackles folk horror from the perspective, or along the themes of, religion. 

It’s actually based on a podcast of the same name, though I’ve not heard it. I like horror RPGs and I’m curious to take a look at this one. I think it would be worthwhile listening to the podcast first, though. That might help me work out the sort of tone that the game is looking to strike.

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Micro RPG releases Warriors of Walnut Woods –  I appreciate a nice, small RPG. I also appreciate a game that hides interesting gameplay behind a cutesy exterior. Just because a game is cute doesn’t mean it has to be simple, or aimed squarely at young children.

This seems solid. I did pick it up for a look and the PDF is well-presented and clear. I’d like to take a closer look and maybe do a review when I can.

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

What have the Sentry Box Staff been up to – Oct 11 – Nov 12 @ The Sentry Box – A nice roundup post. I love the painted Padme for Shatterpoint. I hadn’t heard of Snapships before, but it seems really cool. A game for me? Maybe not, but cool nonetheless!

Staring into Infinity @ The Giant Brain As I mentioned above, CodeOne seems interesting and it’s cool to see other folk embracing it and getting into Infinity. A good read with lots of good pictures.

RPG Resurrection! – Games from my Past @ Burn After Reading I like this! it’s a fun, little personal history of the hobby journey of one of my favourite RPG bloggers. I’ve recently been thinking a little about my own journey, so this strikes a particularly relatable note at the moment.

Doomed and Scrappy @ House of the Jade Lantern I picked up a copy of The Doomed after featuring it on a previous 5 on Friday. I haven’t got it to the table, and nor have I yet watched any play videos, or read any reviews. It is therefore interesting to read this post as the first real piece of media I’ve consumed around this intriguing game.

Champagne and Foot Massages: Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz Review @ Plastic Craic I like this sort of really specific deep dive. Plastic Craic is a good place for such posts, particularly when we’re talking about anything from the Destruction grand alliance. This unit seems an interesting one, with some real utility. I’ll be interested to see if it gets a lot of play in lists over the next few months.

*  *  *

There have been a few posts since my last 5 on Friday:

I’ve not managed much painting in the past few days, but I really should press on. The end is in sight for these resolutions and I’d hate to miss out on them by only a few minis.

Catch y’all soon! 

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