Thinking About Adapting the New Flesh Eaters

Games Workshop has revealed new miniatures for Ushoran and the Flesh Eater Courts and they are fabulous. They finally drag the range into the Age of Sigmar, whereas previously the majority of the models were holdovers from Warhammer Fantasy. Of course, these older models are still in the line, but the newer minis better carry the intended personality of the army.

Next year, one of my goals will be to finish my Flesh Eaters. For those who have not seen them, I’m leaning heavily into the delusional aspect of the army and presenting them largely as they see themselves. I’m basically using knights, serfs, and the like with ghoul heads added on. It’s all a lot of fun. I’ve so far finished a Ghoul King, another Ghoul King on a Terrorgheist, and my first 40 ghouls. I’m halfway through the core of the army, which takes the form of 18 Crypt Haunters.

The number of new models that are coming does seem to suggest that a rethink of these plans may be necessary. It’s very likely that the dynamic will change and I’ll need to change with it.

What, then, could I use to represent these new units in my army?

Let’s start with the new Cryptguard:

My first option for these are some foot knights from Perry Miniatures:

I think these are a strong choice. The army as it stands is a mix of 3D prints and kitbashed models, so this would be another kitbash.

There’s also the option of doing some 3D printing using some STLs from Lost Kingdom:

These are lovely, and will cost less than the Perry miniatures, but ultimately be a bit more of a faff.

One more 3d-printed option, and the one I am likely leaning towards, is this set from Highlands Miniatures:

There are a couple of reasons that I am leaning toward these ones. First of all, I’m familiar with and fond of Highlands Miniatures; they’re who I used for STLs for my mounted Knights. My second reason is that, because of this familiarity, I know that they will match the style of those knights, and I know that they will print well. That peace of mind is very reassuring.

Next up, we’ve got these fantastic, new Morbheg Knights:

Now, looking at these chaps, I am going to assume that they can fly. My intention was to use Pegasus Knights to represent Crypt Flayers, so those are out of the window somewhat to use here.

What I could use are these chaps from Raging Heroes’ Heroes Infinite line:

A step up from Pegasi, aren’t they? I might have to have a wee play with them to see the scale, but they seem a solid choice. They are flying cavalry, but enough different from the other flying knights I am using to be easily distinguishable.

We’re also getting a new Varghulf Courtier to replace the old metal/resin one:

I’ve actually got a mini for this already. I’ve used an old, metal Green Knight miniature:

My slight worry here is base size. The base size on that new Varghulf looks different. I’m likely going to have to do some rebasing. I’d actually nearly finished painting my Green Knight, but I’m going to hold off on finishing and basing it because I do think I’ll need to change it. I might also need to do a bit of basework if the new base is too big, like I did for the Terrorgheist.

Another new character is the Abhorrent Cardinal:

I love this mini! It’s going to be a priest so I have a few different options, here. This will definitely be a 3D print.

The first item, the simple one from Highlands Miniatures, is actually one that I’ve already printed to act as a Crypt Ghould Courtier. He can be reassigned if required. There are then two options from Titan Forge. I think the first of these is better. The second looks a little bit “Eastern Orthodox” to fit in with the rest of the army. Merlin is another option. Sure, this is a priest rather than a wizard, but that’s okay.

I’ll have to have a wee think about that one. The same goes for this next mini, the Royal Decapitator:

So, what I need here is something with a big weapon or a look of brutality, albeit still tempered with the noble qualities I am looking to emphasize. Part of me wonders if the Black Knight I previously painted would be usable here:

Hmm, maybe… If not, I’m not altogether sure what to use. Lancelot might be an option? I’ve got a couple of choices on that front:

Of these, the first one is probably the best. The second is cool, but it’s the big, 2-handed weapon that makes this work, I think. The characters are going to take a bit of thought, but this seems an okay option.

In addition to the previews, there were two other FEC models that were previously revealed. The first of these was the Abhorrant Gorewarden:

Now, this is a bit different. I think a mounted model, like on a Pegasus or similar, isn’t really the answer here. I think a winged paladin-type model would be better. With this in mind, I turned my attention to Heroes Infinite again:

These look okay, but I dunno. I might see what else I can find. These do look great but are perhaps a bit much compared to some of the other models in this army. I’m going to have to have a rummage and see what I can find.

Grand Justice Gormayne was another character that had previously been revealed. A named character, too! That’s interesting in a way because it means that in thinking about what to use for this chap, I don’t have to really think about what I’d do if I wanted multiples. This is very much a one-off. He’s a great mini:

Not sure where to start on this one. I might let myself be led by the rules. Perhaps this could be my Guinevere? Who knows?

The final, biggest reveal of the whole thing is the return of Ushoran. He is essentially the faction leader for this army and I’m keen to see what his rules are going to look like. I’m also keen to know his base size, because that will ultimately inform what I use to represent him on the table:

Beautiful model. I love it. I’m obviously not going to buy it though. I think this needs to be King Arthur. I’ve got a few options now, but I will keep an eye out for more options. I also need to look out for more terrain options for the base once I know the size.

Here are a couple of options for this model:

Both are usable. The terrain one is cool and thematic, but I do worry it’ll clash a bit with the Charnal Throne I am also working on. The second is much cooler, and has a lovely, non-flying mount. What I’m less keen on is that cloak. It’s perhaps too big and I’m not sure that I’d do it justice.

I’m probably going to put this army down now until the new book comes out, and then see where things stand. It’s going to be a big priority for the early portion of next year. I’m excited to move this army on, but I’m also delighted for the faithful players who will enjoy the new models. They’ve waited a long time for a full refresh and I’m delighted that they are now being rewarded.

Exciting times!


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