Humble Bundle: The Cartographer’s Vault

Campaign Cartographer 3+ (CC3+) stands as a premier software solution for cartography enthusiasts, game masters, and world-building aficionados. Developed by ProFantasy Software, CC3+ is a powerful mapping tool designed to bring fantasy worlds to life with intricate and visually stunning maps. Whether you’re crafting the landscape for an epic tabletop RPG adventure, designing a fictional realm for a novel, or creating detailed maps for historical or fantasy settings, CC3+ provides a whole bunch of tools and flexibility to help you realise your creative vision.

CC3+ has a user-friendly interface with a load of customizable elements. The software has a really big symbol library, letting users add mountains, forests, cities, and other map features. The design tools allow for precise control over terrain shapes, ensuring that every hill, river, and coastline aligns with your narrative. CC3+ also supports the creation of intricate dungeon layouts and floor plans, making it a great solution for all aspects of world-building. Campaign Cartographer 3+ is all about helping creators to transform their imaginary worlds into visually captivating and immersive landscapes.

And that, friends, is the subject of the Humble Bundle we are looking at today. I’ve stopped looking at the lower tiers of Humble Bundles because the top tiers are usually pretty cheap, and always fantastic value. So, with a price of £24.19, here’s what you get in this bundle:

The bulk of this bundle consists of maps. There are a lot of maps. A lot. These range from small booklets of a few pages, to some that have over 100 pages. Most are fantasy maps. I don’t care much for some of the more generic ones, but I really love fantasy town and city maps. They’re so useful, and it’s fun to see how the cartographer has constructed the settlement. I love to look at how planned the settlement is, and how much of it grew more organically along trade routes or around defensible positions. Maps are fun. maps tell stories.

Most of the urban maps look great, but I’m not a big fan of the floorplan maps. From the previews, these mostly look quite bland. The Luris Lairs and Fantastic Floorplans books might be an exception to that, but it does seem true for the most part.

The Magnificent Metropolises books look particularly good. Just from the previews, I reckon they are major highlights for this bundle. The other highlight, of course, is the software itself, Campaign Cartographer 3+. Before we get into looking at value for money with this bundle, have a look at the software in action:

If you watched the video, the key message is that this is very powerful, complex software. This means that a new user will be able to engage with this product and use the software without much experience. However, it also means that there is ultimately a really steep learning curve to actually get good with this software.

Price-wise, the cost of the bundle is only a few quid more than the software itself. It’s not a great saving if the software is all you want, but it is a saving. You also get that ton of “free” maps on top which could be useful both directly as game resources and as examples of what can be done with the software.

You can click here to visit the bundle page at Humble Bundle.

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