Completed: Slaughtermaster

This was not a model I was expecting to paint just now. I thought it would be one that I would paint after I finished the last of my Tzeentch stuff. I think I just sat down quite late at night, took one look at the amount of detail on the Tzaangor and the Curseling, and noped right over to the Slaughtermaster.

I didn’t use the stock GW model. Instead, I grabbed an STL from Txarli Factory, who have some really excellent Ogre miniatures. To turn it from an Ogre into an Ogor I also added some little friends!

Here’s the finished lad:

He was fine to paint. Not too tricky.

The Ogors as an army are taking shape in a rather disjointed way, in fits and starts. Somehow, I’m getting near the end of putting together than initial 2,000 point list, though!

The remaining models are big ones, though. I’ve got a Frostlord to do, along with 2 Stonehorn Riders. Gettin’ there!


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