Completed: Tzaangor

The final unit for my Tzeentch army for now, these Tzaangor were not the most fun models to paint. They were actually a bit of a pain, but it does feel really good to have them finished!

I went with the same grey flesh I’d previously used on my Ogroid Thaumaturge. I like it, and it makes the other colours on the minis really pop. I also went with the blue armour of the Kairic Acolytes, and the rainbow hair and feathers that I’d used a few times now. I like that. It’s pretty.

It feels great to be in a position where I’m able to say that my Tzeentch army is done. Well, I should do some extra models for summons, but the 2K list is finished! This gets me closer to finishing the last of my resolutions for this year. A little work on the Ogors will see me completing everything for the year.




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