Completed: Prophet-Sorcerer

I’ve finished the first model in my second entry for Woehammer’s Slow Grow event. This is the Prophet-Sorcerer who will lead the forces of the Chaos Dwarfs. Like the Warrior Priest, this was printed from an STL by Titan Forge Miniatures. The print came out okay and I got him all painted up:

It took a bit longer than expected to get this chap done. I;m hoping i can pick up the pace when it comes to the infantry, which I am currently printing. Red and bronze is the theme here, so we;ll see how that goes across the army.

In line with the tasks laid out in Woehammer’s Slow Grow Challenge, I’ve also got a name and some background:

Zarnak the Accursed

In the desolate and fiery realm of Zharr-Naggrund, the heart of the Dark Lands, a sinister figure rose to prominence amidst the oppressive society of the Chaos Dwarfs. Zarnak the Accursed, a twisted and malevolent Prophet-Sorcerer, wielded the dark powers of the Chaos Gods with a mastery that struck fear into the hearts of both his kin and their enemies.

Born into the ruling caste of the Chaos Dwarfs, Zarnak exhibited a macabre affinity for the chaotic energies that permeated the Dark Lands. As he grew, it became evident that he was marked by the favor of Hashut, the Bull God, patron of the Chaos Dwarfs. Zarnak’s visions, both prophetic and nightmarish, set him apart from his peers, foretelling calamities and upheavals that would shake the very foundations of their dark society.

Embracing his destiny as a Prophet-Sorcerer, Zarnak delved into the forbidden arts of Daemonology and Sorcery, seeking to harness the raw power of the Chaos Gods. His mastery over dark rituals and binding incantations earned him a fearsome reputation among the sorcerous elite, and he ascended to a position of influence within the ruling hierarchy of Zharr-Naggrund.

Zarnak’s visions were not only glimpses into the future but also gateways to the insidious realm of Chaos itself. The whispers of daemonic entities guided his every move, granting him forbidden knowledge and shaping his malevolent ambitions. In the fires of the sacrificial pits, he communed with dark entities, offering both slaves and sorceries to appease the hunger of the Chaos Gods.

As a prophet, Zarnak’s visions often centered on the rise of the Chaos Dwarfs as a dominant force in the Old World. He foresaw campaigns of conquest, the forging of blasphemous weapons, and the subjugation of other races under the banner of Hashut. His influence extended beyond the sorcerous circles, reaching the military and engineering caste, where his guidance fueled the creation of nightmarish war machines and demonic constructs.

However, Zarnak’s ascent to power was not without challenges. Rival factions within Zharr-Naggrund questioned his unorthodox methods and dealings with Chaos, fearing the unpredictable consequences of meddling with the warp. Yet, Zarnak’s dark charisma and the undeniable power he wielded silenced dissenters and solidified his position as a prophetic force to be reckoned with.

Zarnak the Accursed stands as a figure of dread and ambition, a Prophet-Sorcerer whose visions guide the destiny of the Chaos Dwarfs. As he continues to peel back the veil between reality and the realm of Chaos, the malevolent influence of Zarnak casts a long and ominous shadow over the Dark Lands, promising both glory and damnation for his kin and those who stand in their path.