WiP Wednesday: Flesh-Eaters and Chaos Dwarfs

Welcome to WiP Wednesday! It’s the first time I’ve done one of these posts. I don’t necessarily expect to be doing one every week, but I will when I have something cool to share.

I was starting to worry that I was getting well into March without all that much progress on miniatures. It felt good, then, to finish up my third batch of 20 Plague Monks and actually get some stuff done for the month.

With those out of the way, what’s next? Well, there are a few things I’d like to do in the immediate future:

  • Grey Seer Thanquol (unbuilt)
  • 20 Infernal Guard (built)
  • 20 Empire Halberdiers (printed, cleaning)
  • 2×10 Royal Beastflayers (built and primed)
  • Abhorrent Archregent (built and primed)

On the table first are the two units of Royal Beastflayers. Now, as a reminder, these are a Warcry set that normally looks something like this:

Now, we know that my Flesh-Eaters just don’t look like that. Those are degenerates! The true men of the Courts are of noble stock. I turned to some miniatures from Lost Hobbyist:

I like the bunnies.

The only problem I have with this group is that I’ve printed them a wee bit too big. They do tower over the other units in army. However, given the different styles and whatnot in my army, I’m not worrying too much. Going for coolness, and these chaps fit that bill. In terms of a colour scheme, I’m going simple. White robes, brown leather, mid-dark silver armour. I’ll probably try to do the shields in a similar way to my Ghouls. I’m a little farther on with this models than I was when I took the photos, with the leather and armour now done, and the bunnies pretty much finished other than the basing. I’m leaving the horses (Beastflayer Barons) until last, as they’re a bit more involved than the rest, but there’s only two of them (one per unit) to do. I reckon they’ll be finished at the weekend, as I’m quite busy in the evenings this week.

The next thing on my list thereafter will be these Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard:

The STLs came from Titan Forge and I’m really happy with how the prints came out. Since taking the photo, I have primed them, and I’ll make a start with them once my Beastflayers are done. In terms of colour scheme, they’ll largely be red and copper, much like my Prophet-Sorcerer. This is a big chunk of what I need to do to meet the Chaos Dwarf half of my Slow Grow goal for this month.

Not pictured, i’m also working on cleaning and building the 20 halberdiers for the Empire side of the Slow Grow. I will have them done at the weekend, I expect.

Looking ahead to next month, I should probably start the printing for the units I intend to paint next. For the Chaos Dwarfs, this will be 10 or 20 Infernal Guard armed with blunderbusses. For the Empire, either handgunners or pistoliers. I think it will more likely be the pistoliers as it will be fun to break up the infantry painting with some cavalry, but I’m as yet unsure if I’d rather make them state-troops style, or more like witch hunters to fit the crusading theme that I want carried through the army.

The Abhorrent Archregent also needs done this month for a painting contest that’s coming up. I’ve got plans for him!

And that’s Wednesday. I hope to be able to share some more finished models in the near future!


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