WiP Wednesday 27/03/24: Still Them Chaos Dwarfs

Seriously, I’ve still not done those Chaos Dwarfs. I set myself the target of doing 40 miniatures this month and I’ve done 60! Just, like, not the ones I had planned to do, y’know?

This week’s slate is not all that different from last week’s. I’ve managed to finish off the Halberdiers, but nothing else. let’s just lay everything out though, eh?

First up, we’ve got the Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard:

These are taking a fair while. I’m also not entirely happy with how they look, but they’ll do. I’m doubtful I’ll finish them before I head south on Friday. We’ll see. if I don’t, I’ll try to get them some quickly and early next month.

I’ve also still got the three Mancrusher Gargants on the table. These will be a big priority for me, as I’m going to get home a few days before these need to be ready for a tournament. They won’t take me long, though.

I am very much looking forward to fielding 12 of them!

Finally, I’ve done a tiny amount of work on my Nagash for my delusional Flesh-Eater Courts. He’s a wee bit smaller than the normal Nagash model, but he looks alright!

I don’t think he’ll take a huge amount of time, either. I’m looking forward to getting him done because one I do finish him, that’ll be my Woehammer hobby bingo card completed!


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