New Galleries for The Old World and Other Updates

With a unit and a couple of characters each finished for a pair of armies for Warhammer: The Old World, I’ve pulled together some galleries. First up, we’ve got the Chaos Dwarfs. These were the first army I resolved to do, though have turned out to be the fiddlier of the two.

Here’s a link to the new gallery:

The next thing to be added to this page will a couple of units of blunderbus-armed Infernal Guard.

Following on from the Chaos Dwarfs, we have the men of the Empire. I’m really enjoying painting these miniatures. The colour scheme is pretty cool and the sculpts are fantastic!

You can see what I have finished via the link below:

Next up for these guys will be some Handgunners along with some Engineers.

In addition to these new galleries, I’ve also updated some older ones. I’ve added some new minis, including my Nagash miniature, to the Flesh-Eater Courts gallery.

You can use the link below to visit the most delusional of courts:

And, finally, we have the Skaven. I finished up some Plague Censer Bearers this week and they have now been added to the gallery alongside the rest of the pestilential brethren.

You can visit the rattiest of my galleries via this link:

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