Completed: Empire Handgunners and Engineers

More Empiremans! Having previously done 20 halberdiers for my Empire army, I’ve now got some missile Troops! I decided that I wanted to go with the handgunners first. The plan was to do a unit of 10 for April’s Slow Grow target and 10 for May’s.

I decided that I wanted a champion with long rifle in each unit, so I also printed up a pair of Engineers that I could put to work as champions. This is where things get a tad complicated…

I ended up doing 19 handgunners and 2 engineers. This means that I can field two units of 10, each with a champion. Alternatively, I can field one unit of 19 handgunners with a single champion. I like flexibility.

The prints are from Titan Forge and were a joy to paint up. here are the two units of 10:

Here they are as a block of 20, and the spare Engineer:

Yeah, I’m happy with these, and they bring the Empire side of my Slow Grow targets up to date. I’ll be following up in the coming days with my June Slow Grow targets/progress post.

In terms of the writing portion of the slow grow, April’s task was to describe my leader’s most hated foe. May’s was to come up with a name for the army. I think I’m going with Volkmarsson’s Vanguard for the army name. Here’s a rundown of their biggest rivalry:

From Heinrich Volkmarsson’s point of view, the Chaos Dwarfs represent the gravest threat to the Empire and his mission for several compelling reasons:

Corruption and Blasphemy:

The Chaos Dwarfs are an affront to everything Heinrich holds sacred. Their worship of Hashut, the Father of Darkness, is a vile perversion of faith, standing in stark opposition to the righteous worship of Sigmar. The dark rituals and sacrificial practices of the Chaos Dwarfs are a blasphemy that Heinrich cannot abide, as they corrupt the very essence of the divine.

Technological and Sorcerous Prowess:

Unlike the chaotic hordes of marauding greenskins or the savage warriors of Chaos, the Chaos Dwarfs wield a terrifying combination of advanced technology and potent sorcery. Their infernal war machines, forged in the heart of their daemonic forges, can devastate entire armies. The sorcerous might of their Prophet-Sorcerers, exemplified by figures like Zarnak the Accursed, poses a significant challenge to even the most disciplined of Heinrich’s troops.

Threat to the Empireā€™s Stability:

The Chaos Dwarfsā€™ relentless pursuit of slaves and resources to fuel their industrial and daemonic machinations poses a direct threat to the stability of the Empire. Their raids into the Empire’s territories result in the capture and brutal exploitation of countless innocents. Each incursion sows fear and instability, undermining the faith and morale of the people Heinrich is sworn to protect.

Personal Vendetta:

Heinrich’s own encounters with the Chaos Dwarfs have deepened his resolve to see them eradicated. The atrocities he has witnessedā€”whole villages razed, families torn apart, and lands tainted by their dark industryā€”have instilled in him a burning desire for justice. His faith-driven crusade against them is not just a holy mission but a deeply personal vendetta against a foe that epitomises the darkest aspects of chaos and corruption.

A Dire Prophecy:

Heinrich has been haunted by a vision granted to him through fervent prayerā€”a vision of a future where the Empire lies in ruins, its lands scorched by the fires of the Chaos Dwarfs’ forges, and its people enslaved under the iron heel of Hashut’s followers. This prophecy fuels his relentless campaign against them, driving him to gather his forces and stand as a bulwark against this apocalyptic future.


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