Throwback Thursday: Systems for a Rick & Morty RPG

Back in 2018, I had a wee think about how to best run an RPG based on the popular animated TV show, Rick and Morty. Now, since that time, Wizards of the Coast has actually released a Rick and Morty-themed starter set for Dungeons & Dragons 5E:

It’s a nice set. I really like the presentation of it, and it would run a cool parody of Dungeons & Dragons. The thing is, it’s just that. It’s a parody of Dungeons & Dragons, rather than an RPG that is actually based on Rick and Morty. There’s a distinction to be made there.

As such, I feel that my discussion at the time does hold up. I looked at a selection of different game systems that would be a good fit for Rick and Morty:

Some of these games (FATE and Fiasco) won’t be a surprise for regular readers. I’m a well-established fanboy when it comes to anything by Evil Hat and we do enjoy a bit of a Fiasco on this blog. Yes, I will likely suggest these two systems as a match for most properties.

Other systems explored in the post were new to me. Tales from the Floating Vagabond sounded particularly bizarre in a way that would fit beautifully with the style and tone of Rick and Morty.

You can find a link to the post below. If you can think of any other good systems, then I’d love to hear your suggestions.


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