New Release: The Call to Adventure (Pocket Quests)

I thought the next thing I’d be putting out on DriveThruRPG would have been the previously-discussed RY_PO Man class for CY_BORG. Sadly, on going back to it and looking on it with fresh eyes… it’s bad. I don’t think the content is bad, but I don’t like how it’s presented. It needs a lot more work put in.

In the meantime, I’ve been working away on some adventures for Dungeons & Dragons. I had plans for a series and a friend suggested the title, Pocket Quests. I like this, so I went with it. The idea is just to have a good bank of short, inexpensive one-shot adventures.

So, then, here is Pocket Quests series 1, module 1: The Call to Adventure!

This is a simple, little quest for level 1 characters. Here are some snippets from the 8-page adventure:

More to come!

You can click here to view The Call to Adventure on DriveThruRPG.


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