5 on Friday 23/06/23

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Free league releases PIRATE BORG – Well, we love MORK BORG. We love CY_BORG. We’ve shown an interest in SLAV BORG! Now, we’re getting PIRATE BORG:

The production values in this book seem pretty good, and as with Mörk Borg I really like the visual style they’ve gone for. The player-facing rules sound like they’ll help with engagement, as I’m not sure that it’s all that interesting to sit and wait for a GM to spend ages rolling a bunch of dice. The promise of naval combat is also interesting.

Affiliate Links

British Sci-fi eBook bundle currently on StoryBundle – I really like the bundles from StoryBundle. It’s a great way to discover new sci-fi, hook into new authors, and just grab a nice stack of fiction. The latest offering is all about British sci-fi:

There are some authors in here that I really like. Adrian Tchaikovsky and Adam Roberts are both really solid. I took a look at the bundle earlier this week.

Games Workshop taking preorders for Leviathan boxed set – Yeah, this is still here. It’s the biggest release from GW in a while, and it’s on a 2 week preorder window. It’s the new edition of 40K with a big ol’ box of Space Marines and something for Space Marines to shoot. This time, it’s Tyranids:

Certainly a much more interesting choice than the Horus Heresy box which featured Space Marines and Space Marines…

Kidding aside, the box is stunning. The new ‘nids look amazing, and I love the upscaled Terminators. It seems to be sold out at GW, but Element has some left at the time of writing.

Affiliate Links:

Celtic Knot dice currently up on Kickstarter – This Kickstarter campaign is for a beautiful set of dice themed around celtic artwork. In addition to being usable dice, the set also includes some puzzles and games built around theme the theme and aesthetic.

A pretty set, definitely. I took a look at it in this week’s Kickstarter-Watch.

Corvus Belli to release Patchers, Structural Response Team for Infinity –  I do love the miniatures that Corvus Belli puts out for Infinity. They are consistently great. These latest ones really caught my eye, though:

Are these not just the spitting image of the Marines from Starcraft? That’s not said in anything approaching a derogatory tone; I love it! These are so cool. I don’t think I’d ever really use them in a game, but I’m tempted to grab them to make Jim Raynor!

Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

Maulerfiend of the World Eaters @ A Tabletop Gamer’s Diary I’m loving watching this army come together. The simple, stark white with the splashes of blood is proving to be quite striking!

DMs Guild Review – Dungeon Babies @ RogueWatson  Dungeon Babies! We like Dungeon Babies. This is a fun review that’s largely in line with my own views on the book.

Top Three AOS Lists for Clash of Swords 2023 @ Woehammer Another interesting top 3! The Tzeentch list is interesting for having a Gaunt Summoner, which is something I’ve not seen in many recent lists. The Gargants list is nice to see because Gargants are awesome. The two Bonereaper lists are cool because I’d actually consider doing that kind of list using models from Archvillain Games. I think they’re got models that would make fantastic proxies for Morghasts, Immortis Guard, and Necropolis Stalkers.

GH24: Wishlist and Predictions @ Plastic Craic Another fun post from Plastic Craic. They really want those Thunderers nerfed, eh? The rules suggestions are all really good, too.

Lost and the Damned: Taking a look at Wargames Atlantic’s newest project! @ Not By Strength, By Guile I’ve never really looked all that much at Wargames Atlantic, but maybe I should. These look great! This is a good post, really going into the release.

*  *  *

Since my last 5 on Friday, here’s what’s appeared on NoRerolls:

I was pushing for getting at least a mini a day done in June, and I started off well by getting 18 finished by the 14th. Now I’ve broken the momentum a bit, stalling for a week or so. I’m hoping to get back on it and finish the month strong. I’ve been a bit distracted by a little 3D-printing project, but I’m nearly done with processing those minis, so I can hopefully return to painting soon.

Catch y’all soon! 

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