Resolutions 2023: June Roundup

It’s one thing to set resolutions, and quite another to hold oneself to them.  I intend to review my progress monthly towards each of the resolutions.  Welcome, then, to our roundup for June 2023.  Let’s start with a reminder of the resolutions and where we were at the end of May


  1. Finish 3 army-sized Warhammer projects (~2,000 points). (May Status: 0/3
  2. Finish 2 starting forces for smaller, non-GW games. (May Status: 1/2 complete)
  3. Paint a Warhammer Underworlds Warband. (May Status: no progress)
  4. Paint a Blood Bowl Team. (May Status: no progress)
  5. Paint 6 miniatures unrelated to current projects. (May Status: 2/6)
  6. Paint 365 miniatures this year. (May Status: 178/365)


  1. Play 40 different games. (May Status: 30/40)
  2. Play a new (to me) skirmish game. (May Status: no progress)
  3. Play 3 non-D&D Roleplaying games (May Status: 3/3 complete)


  1. Complete 12 book/game/media reviews. (May Status: 6/12)
  2. Release 3 titles on DriveThruRPG. (May Status: 3/3)


I started the month, as predicted in last month’s post, by painting up a Dragonborn character for one my D&D players. It was a quick job, but it turns out alright!

I gave the miniature to the player this week and they were delighted. It’s been nice to do stuff like this, and I’m keen to do some more.

Next up, I made some progress on the Tzeentch army by painting one of my favorite Tzeentch minis, the Ogroid Thaumaturge:

I can’t claim to have really thought about it at the time of painting, but it’s nice to get an accidental Pride Month model done, eh? I’ve already got this guy into battle, where he helped me score a narrow victory over some Ossiarch Bonereapers.

I’ve previous written about The Lost Hobbyist, and I really love his minis. I printed up a set of Discworld-themed wizards a couple of months back and June saw me finally get around to painting them:

They turned out well! I’ve got a terrain piece to go with them, but there’s a lot of detail on that and I’ve just not gotten around to it. Someday! These models also smash through the goal of painting 6 miniatures outside of any projects. I like that between these and some D&D characters, I’m painting more miniatures just for the fun of it, rather than working towards some larger project.

It’s no secret that although I love a lot of the old Games Workshop metal minis, I don’t especially like working with metal. That said, sticking some Chaos Spawn wings to this old metal Great Unclean One and painting him up as a Daemon Prince of Nurgle was very fun:

There’s a satisfying chonk to him, and being all metal makes him a heavy lad. I’m a long way off from my Slaves to Darkness being in anything even approaching a usable state, but I’m happy picking away slowly.

I then moved to the 41st millennium and my Genestealer Cults army. This time, it was the Patriarch:

Brainy boy! He was only the second model finished for my army. I’d intended to get a lot more of the army done in June, but work and life got in the way. I did manage to finish a few more minis, though. Namely, I painted up my first 5 Aberrants:

I’m not really delighted with how these chaps turned out. I think I misjudged some aspects. That said, they’ll look a lot better as part of the army, rather than on their own.

Total: 18

The next models I expect to finish are some Acolytes and a Magus for the GSC. I should really get on with the Neophytes, too. There are some Daemons I’d like to finish as well. The Tzeentch stuff is genuinely really close to being usable, so I’m keen to push it over the line.


Here’s a reminder of the games I had played at least once already this year: 

  1. Ticket to Ride
  2. Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
  3. One Night Ultimate Werewolf
  4. Dungeons & Dragons
  5. Star Wars: Rebellion
  6. Galaxy Trucker
  7. Century: Golem Edition
  8. Root
  9. Age of War
  10. Malifaux
  11. Call of Cthulhu
  12. Warhammer 40,000
  13. Blitzkrieg
  14. Cyberpunk Red
  15. Avatar Legends RPG
  16. Twilight Struggle
  17. Quadropolis
  18. Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition
  19. New York Zoo
  20. King of Tokyo
  21. Quirkle
  22. Clank! Catacombs
  23. King of New York
  24. Tiny Towns
  25. Monopoly
  26. Codenames
  27. Santorini
  28. Lords of Waterdeep
  29. Sushi Go!
  30. DC Comics Deckbuilding Game

In June, I only managed to add two more game to the list:

  1. Euphoria
  2. Zombie Dice

I do love Euphoria, and it’s a worthy choice for our Game of the Month. I’m hoping to get some more games of it in this year. Zombie Dice is fine for what it is. It’s a bit mindless, but I suppose that’s in line with the theme.

I did play more games, though. I had some great games of Age of Sigmar, some Santorini, more Sushi Go!, and some D&D.


My favourite recent posts have been the Roleplaying and Mental Health series (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) which I completed in June. having enjoyed putting these together, I’m rolling out more long-form limited series. I started a new series on investigative RPGs and will be doing one on RPG group etiquette once that’s done. These have mostly been released on Saturdays, but I may have to change things up in late July when I am away and will be scheduling content to appear on days when I otherwise cannot post.

I’ve also done some posts on inclusion in RPGs and another post on musically-inspired roleplaying.

I’ve not released anything new on DTRPG, and it looks unlikely that I’ll have anything done for July. This is a bit frustrating, as I’d hoped to get some momentum going.

June 2023 Summary


  1. Finish 3 army-sized Warhammer projects (~2,000 points). (June Status: 0/3
  2. Finish 2 starting forces for smaller, non-GW games. (June Status: 1/2 complete)
  3. Paint a Warhammer Underworlds Warband. (June Status: no progress)
  4. Paint a Blood Bowl Team. (June Status: no progress)
  5. Paint 6 miniatures unrelated to current projects. (June Status: 12/6)
  6. Paint 365 miniatures this year. (June Status: 196/365)


  1. Play 40 different games. (June Status: 31/40)
  2. Play a new (to me) skirmish game. (June Status: no progress)
  3. Play 3 non-D&D Roleplaying games (June Status: 3/3 complete)


  1. Complete 12 book/game/media reviews. (June Status: 7/12)
  2. Release 3 titles on DriveThruRPG. (June Status: 3/3)

Onward, to July! 


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