Resolutions 2023: October Roundup

It’s one thing to set resolutions, and quite another to hold oneself to them.  I intend to review my progress monthly toward each of the resolutions.  Welcome, then, to our roundup for October 2023.  Let’s start with a reminder of the resolutions and where we were at the end of September


  1. Finish 3 army-sized Warhammer projects (~2,000 points). (Sept Status: 1/3 complete)
  2. Finish 2 starting forces each for 2 smaller, non-GW games. (Sept Status: 1/2 complete)
  3. Paint a Warhammer Underworlds Warband. (Sept Status: no progress)
  4. Paint a Blood Bowl Team. (Sept Status: no progress)
  5. Paint 6 miniatures unrelated to current projects. (Sept Status: 14/6)
  6. Paint 365 miniatures this year. (Sept Status: 396/365)


  1. Play 40 different games. (Sept Status: 41/40)
  2. Play a new (to me) skirmish game. (Sept Status: 1/1 complete!)
  3. Play 3 non-D&D Roleplaying games (Sept Status: 3/3 complete)


  1. Complete 12 book/game/media reviews. (Sept Status: 13/12 complete)
  2. Release 3 titles on DriveThruRPG. (Sept Status: 4/3)

Onward, to October! 


After only finishing a single miniature last month, I was keen to do better this month. The fact that I needed to paint 12 models for my tournament list meant I was certainly going to have to do better!

I started out with a batch of Mancrusher Gargants, using prints from Cast n’ Play:

These were quick and east to paint, and were a lot of fun. The sculpts are fantastic and have a lot more personality than the GW one. I actually like the Games Workshop Mancrushers, but every model is basically the same, so it gets quite dull to paint after a while. If you’re only using a few, that’s fine. I was planning to use 9 for this list, with the possibility of using 11 in future lists. I just couldn’t face that…

For this list, I also had to paint up the Kruleboyz’ Regiment of Renown, Grikk’s Kruleshots:

These were not as fun to paint. There was a lot more detail. To be fair, the Boltboyz were fine. The Killbow, however… awful. I wish I had painted it before putting it on the base. It was just so difficult to get into the nooks and crannies, with the wee Hobgrots being particularly awkward. Still, they turned out quite well, and I’m happy to have them finished.

With those finished up, I turned my attention to Malifaux, a game I previously loved and to which I have recently returned. I started off by putting together a Leveticus crew:

I like these models a lot, though I’m not delighted with how the Abominations and Desolation Engine turned out. Marlena Webster is one of my favourite miniatures I’ve ever painted, though. I loved doing the cool, patchwork teddy.

I then took a wee break with a D&D character that I’ll give to a clubmate at some point:

The print came out ok, if a little rough in places. The painting was fine. I enjoyed doing the wings most of all, using the same colours I used for my Terrorgheist conversion.

The last items for October were more Malifaux minis! This second warband – Jack Daw’s crew – also saw me complete my resolution to complete two starting forces each for two different skirmish games!

Montressor and Lady Ligeia were very quick to paint. The black and white was just a simple scheme that went on easily. Jack himself was also pretty quick. The Guilty were what took some time, being more detailed and eclectic minis. The Hanged were fine, but a little fiddly around the ropes and straps binding them.

So, all in all, a much more productive month than September was!

Total: 34

I’m working on some Malifaux tokens just now, and I’d like to have a crack at trying to do the Underworlds Warband resolution and maybe the Blood Bowl team, too. I’m doubtful that I’ll manage the three armies one, but that’s largely because of the fantastic range and spread of minis I’ve managed this year.


Here’s a reminder of the games I had played at least once already this year: 

  1. Ticket to Ride
  2. Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
  3. One Night Ultimate Werewolf
  4. Dungeons & Dragons
  5. Star Wars: Rebellion
  6. Galaxy Trucker
  7. Century: Golem Edition
  8. Root
  9. Age of War
  10. Malifaux
  11. Call of Cthulhu
  12. Warhammer 40,000
  13. Blitzkrieg
  14. Cyberpunk Red
  15. Avatar Legends RPG
  16. Twilight Struggle
  17. Quadropolis
  18. Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition
  19. New York Zoo
  20. King of Tokyo
  21. Quirkle
  22. Clank! Catacombs
  23. King of New York
  24. Tiny Towns
  25. Dice Miner
  26. Monopoly
  27. Codenames
  28. Santorini
  29. Lords of Waterdeep
  30. Sushi Go!
  31. DC Comics Deckbuilding Game
  32. Euphoria
  33. Zombie Dice
  34. Endangered Orphans: House of Rath
  35. Isle of Skye
  36. Hive
  37. Betrayal at House on the Hill
  38. Frostgrave
  39. Architects of the West Kingdom
  40. Warhammer Underworlds
  41. Warcry

This month, I added two more game to this list:

  • Magnificent Flying Machines
  • Age of Sigmar: Soulbound

I got to play plenty of other games, including more Architects of the West Kingdom, lots of Century: Golem Edition (our Game of the Month), some more Betrayal at House on the Hill, some D&D, and Age of Sigmar. A good month of gaming!


It’s not really been a month with a lot of writing-heavy posts. Some highlights for this month include:

There were no new additions to my DriveThruRPG offering, though I did pick away at a couple of projects.

October 2023 Summary


  1. Finish 3 army-sized Warhammer projects (~2,000 points). (Oct Status: 1/3 complete)
  2. Finish 2 starting forces each for 2 smaller, non-GW games. (Oct Status: 2/2 complete)
  3. Paint a Warhammer Underworlds Warband. (Oct Status: no progress)
  4. Paint a Blood Bowl Team. (Oct Status: no progress)
  5. Paint 6 miniatures unrelated to current projects. (Oct Status: 15/6)
  6. Paint 365 miniatures this year. (Oct Status: 430/365)


  1. Play 40 different games. (Oct Status: 42/40)
  2. Play a new (to me) skirmish game. (Oct Status: 1/1 complete!)
  3. Play 3 non-D&D Roleplaying games (Oct Status: 3/3 complete)


  1. Complete 12 book/game/media reviews. (Oct Status: 15/12 complete)
  2. Release 3 titles on DriveThruRPG. (Oct Status: 4/3)

Onward, to November! 


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