Planning for Month 3 of Woehammer’s Slow Grow Challenge

This feels a bit late, but I was traveling earlier in the month. February saw me sign up for Woehammer’s Slow Grow challenge and get the easy stuff out of the way. Oh, sure, it’s easy to say that I’ll do two armies when all I had to do is a pair of characters. I duly finished my Warrior Priest and my Prophet-Sorcerer:


Then things got… tricky

I managed to finish up some Empire Halberdiers and a bonus wizard for good measure:

I’m delighted with how these turned out! The green looks great, and the bases are pretty. I thought I’d be more excited for the Chaos Dwarfs, but it’s the Empire army that actually has me enthused at the moment.

I’m slightly less delighted at the lack of progress on the Chaos Dwarfs. I did make a start on them, but I never got them finished:

These will be a priority for this month, alongside the new miniatures that have been added to the plans.

This month I swithered over what to do. I knew that the Chaos Dwarfs were going to feature Blunderbusses, but I almost did Pistoliers for the Empire. I need to work out the scaling of those if I’m going to go that way, though. So instead, I have gone with Handgunners:

I’m happy with these models, but I’m not going to use any command miniatures, except when it comes to the Handgunners. I’ve printed off an Engineer with long rifle that will be used as the champion. So, then, we’re looking at a couple of blocks of 10 ranged troops.

20 miniatures seems a lot more accessible than last month’s (missed) target of 40. Then again, we are already quite far into the month…

There’s a good chance the following month will be a repeat performance, with another couple of units of 10 missile troops. We’ll see. The other options are some Hobgloblins for the Chaos Dwarfs and Swordsmen for the Empire.


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