5 on Friday 31/05/24

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Games Workshop releases Abraxia’s Varanspear for Age of Sigmar – These are some real last-minute releases for the third edition of Age of Sigmar. The shadow of the new edition looms large, but Abraxia’s miniature is a really fantastic release in advance of the launch. As with many of the Dawnbringers releases, she is initially being released as part of a boxed set:

It’s great to see some more female Chaos that aren’t just Slaaneshi Daemons. This is a great mini with a strong theme, and a really cool Army of Renown attached. I hope she keeps some synergy with the Varangard when the new edition launches!

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Hunters Entertainment releases a second edition of their RPG, Kids on Bikes –  I’ve been interested in the RPG, Kids on Bikes, for some time. That interest was recently rekindled by my utter joy throughout the Montopolis Dimension 20 campaign that used a modified version of the system. Now, there’s a new edition a-coming:  

This feels like the time to jump on board, doesn’t it? I’m going to grab a copy of the new edition and see if I can find an interesting spin to put on a campaign. I’m hopeful that the game will be a hit with our local group.

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Modiphius releases Starlight Theatre Staff robots for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – More great Fallout minis from Modiphius. I love the kitsch, retro-future-Americana feel of much of the Fallout setting, and these robots really embody that:

Gorgeous! If I ever get up and running with Stargrave, I’d love to incorporate these Nuka Cola-branded delighted into my bestiary. I think that’ll be a resolution for next year.

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Modiphius launches Kickstarter campaign for Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Adventure Wargame – Cthulhu? The Roman Empire? Miniatures? Modiphius? Oh, my…

Thematically, I like this a lot. I wish I’d caught the Kickstarter for the RPG. It sounds very much up my street. I need to take a closer look at this. At first glance, I’m not convinced by some of the pledges…

Rowan, Rook and Decard releases Eat the Reich – Rowan, Rook and Decard are one of my favourite publishers. I particularly like the work of Grant Howitt, one of the key people over there. Their (and his) latest offering is Eat the Reich:

The game sees your players taking on the role of vampire commandos with the goal of drinking Hitler’s blood. It’s certainly a statement. Look, it’s a cool concept. It’s a dice pool system; the best way to play. It’s by Grant Howitt. This is going to be great!

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

Skaven Screaming Bell @ Heretic Deb – This is a simple post; it’s a great mini, and it’s well-painted. I need to paint one, too! Maybe a Plague Furnace first, though. Thanks for sharing.

Laser Bayonet Rescue Mission @ A Loft Full of Lead What a great setup! The scenery for this game looks fantastic. It must be cool to have that sort of stock of terrain bits to draw on for different, fun, narrative games like this. Brilliant!

Should Older Warbands ‘Rotate’? @ Spent Glory Our club has been on an Underworlds kick lately, so I’ve been reading more about it. This is a good post. It’s a well-considered article about a real issue in the evolution of the game. Definitely worth a read!

Miniature Monday: Abhorrent Archregent @ Praetordragoon’s Blog Woot! Gotta love the FEC. This mini looks great, and I love the pink wings.

Recent Brushwork @ Stalker7 Fantastic miniatures here from a blog that I really love. That vampire coven looks great!

*  *  *

There have been a few posts since my last 5 on Friday:

I’m annoyed that I’ve nothing to show you this week! I’ve had 10 models sitting half done for a while, but things took a strange turn at work this week and I’ve just not gotten to doing some final details and base rims. Annoyingly, this means they won’t be done this month, and they’ll be the first things I get done in June.

I’ve printed one model, too. I’m not telling you what. Not yet.

Painting, purchasing, and printing totals so far this year:

  • Purchased: 35 minis
  • Printed: 98 minis
  • Painted: 178 minis


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