5 on Friday 26/04/24

It’s Friday, and here on No Rerolls that means it’s time for an all-new 5 on Friday. We’re going to start with 5 exciting releases for this week before moving on to our usual digest of some of our favourite articles from the past week. Of course, we’re slow readers, so don’t be surprised if there are some articles that are a little older – these are just some of the great articles we happen to have actually read in the past week.

Releases & Previews

Every week there are many games, books, and miniatures released. This will probably be a mix of previews, preorders, and releases, and with release dates being the way they are in this industry, it’s always pretty approximate. Excuses out of the way, here are 5 of the releases that caught our attention this week:

Games Workshop releases a new army box for the Darkoath – the Darkoath always felt like something of an afterthought in the Slaves to Darkness books over the past few editions.  They were really just the old marauders from Warhammer Fantasy.  Now, they’re getting a long-awaited update:

These are more in line with the fantastic Darkoath minis we’ve seen represented in a couple of characters, some Underworlds miniatures, and a Warcry warhand.  They look great!

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An Adventure Time RPG is up on Kickstarter –  adventure time is such a fun show.  Given that it plays so much on the tropes of favourite roleplaying games, it’s a surprise to me that we’re only now seeing an RPG come out based upon it:

I’d have loved to see it being based on something like a slightly tweaked version of Kids on Bikes.  Unfortunately, it’s 5E.  Of course it is.  5E is the singularity.  It does fit, thematically, at least, unloke many 5E conversions.  I imagine this will be a very cool, beautifully illustrated book.

Modiphius releases a set of Fallout minis based on the new Prime series – As I mentioned when writing earlier this week, I watched the new Fallout show on Amazon Prime.  I liked it a lot.  Like, a lot.  It’s cool to see Modiphius jump in with some miniatures featuring the main characters from the show: 

I did take a look at the Fallout miniatures game, Wasteland Warfare earlier in the week and its cook to see this sort of tie-in.  I wonder if the exposure of the TV show will have much impact on the RPG or miniatures, or just on the core video game series.  I suppose the tabletop products are very much niche items rather than being the  ore of the franchise. 

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The second edition of The Laundry RPG is up on Kickstarter – I’m a bit late on this one and there are only a few days left on the campaign.  This is the second edition of the RPG based on Charles Stross’ novel series, The Laundry Files:

We like Charles Stross on this blog!  We like the series.  We’ve not tried the RPG, even though it’s via finding the RPG that we found Stross’ books.  Funny, that.  If you enjoy your Cthulhu-esque horror in a modern setting with a healthy side-helping of British bureaucracy, then this gane might just be for you.  I’d hurry, though; there’s not much time left on the campaign.

Games Workshop releases Black Orcs for Warhammer: The Old World – Yes, a second GW entry for this week.  This was msotly out of bemusement.  It was either going to be these chaps or the Night Goblins.   These Black Orc models came out in, I believe, 2007.  These are actually older than I thought as I felt that they were from later in Warhammer’s lifespan.  I suppose it’s good to see them back on the market?

Except they’ve only actually been off the market for a few months.  They were, until very recently, still part of the Ironjawz line, serving as Ardboyz.  I’ve got a fair amount of them, likes!  still, hopefully our Old World friends will appreciate them… though probably not. 

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Blog Posts & Articles

The meat of 5 on Friday, the articles are listed in no particular order, so let’s get into some recommendations: 

This Week in Hobby — 4.12.24 @ Torg’s Blog – Inquisitor! God, I loved Inquisitor. This display/demo table looks fantastic, as do the models that go with it. Gorgeous!

Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Army Set Unboxing and Review – Warhammer Age of Sigmar @ Sprues & Brews I feel that this review just confirms a lot of things I had already assumed anyway. The first of these assumptions was that the models were fantastic. They are. They really are. The second was the slight futility in packing in warscrolls for models that most folk will not even have painted by the time the new edition rolls around. Maybe that’s unfair. Good review, though.

Review: Villagers of Valeria @ Dude! Take Your Turn! seeing this game, I assumed it was a Garphill game, what with a simikar-ish art style and it getting attention from Dude! Take Your Turn!  I stand corrected in the comments, though!  It’s from Daily Magic.  This seems like a fun, little game that looks good for what it is. I’m not really the target audience for these smaller games, but I’d be willing to give it a go, and this blog’s recommendations go a long way with me!

Age of Sigmar: Malign Sorcery – Endless Spells: Geminids of Uhl-Gysh @ Azazel’s Bitz Box In his most amusing post to date, Azazel shares his crackly balls. I… I think I’m going to leave it at that.

Arcs Supra Arcs @ Space-Biff It looks like Arcs has turned things around!  The prototype that went out to some reviewers seemed pretty underwhelming, but the final product appears to be much improved.  It’s one I’ll need to watch for on release.

*  *  *

There have been a few posts since my last 5 on Friday:

It’s been a busy week with work and not a whole lot of painting was done. I did manage to do a pair of miniatures for my FEC, though. These were Nagash and my Charnal Throne. This also meant that I managed to finish my first Woehammer bingo card for the year:

No new purchases were made, miniatures-wise, and none were printed, either.

Painting, purchasing, and printing totals so far this year:

  • Purchased: 29 minis
  • Printed: 77 minis
  • Painted: 158 minis


  1. Thanks for the referral, but Villages of Valeria isn’t a Garphill game. It’s a Daily Magic game!

    Still fun, but just wanted to make that correction.


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